WordPress website benefits your customers

WordPress is not just blogging software, in case you didn’t know. A WordPress Website benefits you in many ways. Using this amazing content management system, you can design your own professional website, with the best features available nowadays, and also customize it to reflect exactly the kind of company you are. Apart from the fact that it’s free, you can even add customized special features to your website, if you know a little bit of coding and programming. But did you know, that WordPress is not only the best for you, but WordPress website benefits your customers?

5 ways a WordPress website benefits your customers

1. Incredibly Secure

Known for its famous “5-minute installation”, WordPress is extremely easy to install, and updating its security modules takes just a few moments. WordPress website benefits your customers who needn’t worry as much about their privacy and safety from threats like phishing, misappropriation of sensitive data, etc. The security features can actually be further improved if you have got detailed coding know-how, and teamed with a good knowledge of WordPress setup, you can completely hacker-proof your website by “hardening” the WordPress installation.

2. Excellent accessibility features

Owing to the way it is created, WordPress website benefits your customers by working excellently on each and every platform. Whether you view the website on an iOS platform, an Android platform, or a Windows one, WordPress is specifically designed to automatically adapt to each platform’s functionalities. This reduces a lot of work and testing to develop it to be suited for multiple platforms and features. Also, apart from this, WordPress works perfectly well with even alternative browsers used by disabled viewers. For example, text-only browsers like Lynx are highly compatible with WordPress.

3. Cross platform optimized

For most platforms, in order for a website to be viewed on a mobile phone, a separate, mobile website needs to be built, apart from the regular desktop site. However, that is not needed in the case of WordPress. Because of the excellent built-in features that it has, WordPress website benefits your customers as it automatically detects and recognizes what device the user is viewing the website on, and optimizes itself for the appropriate dimensions and layout. Users do not need to go through the hassles of non-optimized page contents, pictures, etc. It is equally fast and responsive as a desktop website, without the extra effort.

4. Creates repeat viewers

The RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feature that WordPress website benefits your customers by offering help to users get to know about new posts, the moment they are published. RSS feeds send automated notices to users through email stating that new posts have been made. These help even former visitors to return to the website to read the second part, or the continuation of the article. Also, using RSS, visitors can simply subscribe to receiving the entire post through their RSS reader or their mobile phones.

5. Extremely popular

WordPress is currently the most popular web publishing system in the world. With its innumerable high-quality professional themes and layouts, along with the various plugins that it provides, the WordPress website benefits your customers as it is easy to use, in spite of being sleek and highly customizable, apart from being extremely SEO-friendly.

These are the reasons why it’s an extremely good idea for any organization looking to build their own website to use WordPress for it since it’s not only the best option for them, but their customers are benefitted from it too!

In order to get any kind of WordPress website, you can reach us at any time. We deliver quality sites without making you break your bank!

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