Advanced child care application development service
Advanced child care application development service
Advanced child care application development service
Advanced child care application development service
Advanced child care application development service
Advanced child care application development service

Advanced child care application development service

The demand for safe and secure babysitting services is increasing day by day. And this can be an amazing opportunity for entrepreneurs to build robust babysitting or child care scheduling app and be the leader in the domain. We provide an advanced, robust, and safe child care application development service. From making the app solution feature-rich to safe for all users- we can do many things beyond your imagination.

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Child care schedule software: Graphical flow

Childcare booking software
Childcare booking software

People are pretty familiar with the creche process but the entire regime was offline. In order to bring babysitting services available online, developing a child care scheduling software is a must. We design and develop the best software solutions for modern-day babysitting. Safety and effortlessness will be salient features of our babysitting app.

Safety Security
Safety and security

When it comes to the safety and security of children, we need to be more and more careful. And that’s why prefer to enable the best safety features. We integrate advanced safety measures in order to keep all children-related data and the online babysitting service booking procedure super security. Trespassing or data theft cannot take place in such an app platform.

Social account registration
Social account registration

We design a simple registration procedure for parents so that they can easily signup and book services without facing a lot of complicated steps. Here, they will get a one-tap registration benefit. They can their social accounts to do one-tap registration. The process is safe and truly fast. With our one-tap and fast registration process, there is no need to wait for long.

Child care schedule software: Graphical flow

Scheduling a babysitting service for a child is a serious task. Parents need to trust the platform and its services and only after then they will book services via the app and remain worry-free. We design and develop innovative features so that the platform can easily earn the trust of parents and get referred to more parents by existing users.

Real time view of childcare professionals
Real-time view of childcare professionals

The app users will be able to easily get a real-time view of all available babysitters or childcare professionals. The user will get the view of all nearby professionals. According to the distance, the user will be able to select the best professional.

Advanced filter
Advanced filters

While searching for the best child care professionals, parents or users will be able to apply the best filters and easily choose the best professional in order to satisfy their requirements at the best level. We design the best filters so that users can apply them easily and get the best professionals. Without proper filters, users have to spend a lot of time searching for a suitable professional but with filters, the entire task can be done within a few seconds.

Babysitter profiles
Babysitter profiles

In the search result, users will be able to see all available and available later babysitting professionals. The users will also get a quick view of ratings along with some other information so that the user can easily make the booking decision. Knowing the best caregiver was not this easy before we started to create such apps for healthcare and childcare.

Detailed Babysitter profile
Detailed babysitter profile

The detailed babysitter or childcare professional profile will convey all important details to the users so that they can check everything possible and make an informed decision about their babysitting professional bookings. Video profile, recommendations from others, skills, certification, experience, and so many other information will be there for the ease of each user.

Reviews and Certification
Reviews and certification

It is really tough to leave children with babysitters and setting off for jobs and other important tasks. When it comes to hiring babysitters, parents always want to listen to the experiences of others with the same professional. We can incorporate a similar feature in the app. Here, parents can leave their experience with a specific professional and make the review visible to all users. Each professional will get ratings and reviews and it will help other users to choose the best and trustable professionals easily. Apart from this, users will be able to see the certification details of each professional before hiring them.

Scheduling and price estimation
Scheduling and price estimations

Parents may need a babysitting service at the next minute or they can require it in the next week. In order to satisfy all types of scheduling and booking requirements, this app will let users book an instant service or schedule a service in the next week. Based on the service type, total hours, and other important things, the price estimation will be calculated.

Payment methods
Payment methods

The app will have all the best payment methods so that users can easily pay the charges via their preferable methods. All popular payment method options will be activated on this platform. While initiating payment, a user will also be able to apply coupon codes and enjoy some added advantages. The user will also be able to make a payment method as his or her default payment option. In this way, he/she will be able to make faster payments and book a professional accordingly.

Real Time Status
Real-time status

Once the babysitter accepts the schedule, the user will be able to track the real-time status of the babysitter via the child care scheduling software solution. The system will offer a lot of options to quickly contact the caregiver. The user can easily choose one and contact the professional and do the important conversation.

An innovative and trustable childcare booking platform

When childcare professionals are at service at the user’s place, parents will be able to contact the professional multiple times and get the update of their child. The platform will also show the live location of the professional to the users.

Real Time Video Chat
Real-time video chat

The platform will be equipped with the best real-time video calling experience. Via live streaming, parents will be able to connect with the child and childcare professionals at the service. Such a process not only increases the communication between the professionals and users but also helps in increasing the trust level of the users. The more trustable the platform will be the more users and bookings it will get.

Live Chat
Live chat

If a video call is not possible, parents can easily do a live chat with the professional in order to get the updates. We enable the best live chat feature in the childcare scheduling app. Professionals and parents can stay connected with each other. In this way, parents can stay worry-free and perform their tasks with full concentration.

Real time tracking
Real-time tracking

All the booked babysitters’ locations can be tracked by the parents via this app platform. Parents do not want to take any risk when it comes to their children. In order to keep users word-free, we have enabled the real-time tracking feature in the app. Parents can track the babysitters and stay free from any tension. This also helps in increasing the reliability and trust of the professionals to parents.


After paying the charges, the users will be able to get a detailed view of the invoice. If they want, they can easily print the invoice. All invoices will be available in the app. Integrating the invoice feature is important in order to keep the entire platform transparent for all end users.


Each mobile application should come with a rating facility. Such a feature/facility directly helps the platform to grow faster and gain the trust of others. Each user of the child care scheduling software application will be encouraged to leave a rating based on their experience with the hired babysitting professional. These ratings are going to improve the platform. Apart from this, it will encourage other parents or users to book services from the platform.

Booking History
Booking history

A user will be able to check all past and present booking details via the booking history option. The app will show each and every piece of information regarding the past and previous bookings. It is important for all parents to keep records of all bookings and check them whenever requires.


The referral is an important feature that can bring more users to the platform. The platform can encourage users to use the referral codes and get amazing discounts or other benefits. If a parent refers the app to other parents, automatically this will create a sense of trust. If users trust a platform, the platform automatically grows better.

Add children
Add children

Users will be able to add their children to the child care scheduling app. Users will be able to add all important details of each child while adding them to this platform. Parents can list specific details like food to be served, medicines, sleeping time, and so many other important things.

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100% customizable child care scheduling app & website

  • Customer and babysitter online portal - At the first move, parents and babysitters both need to register on the platform. The successful registration will help parents to get expert babysitters whenever they require them. On the other hand, babysitters will get babysitting jobs easily without roaming here and there.
  • A bunch of advanced child care services - Via the website or app, users will be able to explore all important babysitting services according to their needs. The app will list down a wide variety of services so that users can easily book the service they want to get in the next hour or in the next week.
  • Detailed and verified babysitting professionals’ profiles Only verified babysitters, nannies, and childcare professionals’ profiles will be visible to parents. Apart from this, users can easily view the reviews and recommendations from other parents who have taken the service from specific professionals. After analyzing each and everything, parents can easily decide which professional to hire for their children. The admin will have the power to verify and approve each professional’s profile before making the profiles appear on the search result.
  • Scheduling, payment, and live tracking By scheduling and making the payment, users will be able to book a professional for babysitting services. Once the booking is confirmed, the user will be able to live track the location of the professional. The user will be able to track the live location of the babysitter and even the children. Each job can be properly monitored in real-time via the childcare scheduling app. We make these things possible just to make the platform and the services more safe and secure.
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Transportation for child care dispatcher

  • 360-degree view - Here, a detailed rather 360-degree view of all childcare professionals, real-time childcare services, booking requests, individual phone battery percentages, and so many other information will be provided.
  • Manual bookings - Here, the admin or the dispatcher will be able to manually assign child care bookings to various babysitters according to the requirements without facing any kind of interruption.
  • Individual job view - After assigning jobs to babysitters, the admin or the dispatcher will be able to view the real-time status of each professional. In this way, ensuring a timely and quality service will be possible for the platform admin and dispatcher.

Let’s talk about your dream project?

Child care software application: Admin panel

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Babysitter and nanny management

The admin can manage all child care professionals in a single place. Via the admin panel, the admin can approve professionals’ registrations based on their qualifications, licenses, certifications, and other uploaded documents. While registration uploading all important documents is a mandatory thing.

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Child care service fee set up

Based on the service type, service hours, and location, the admin will be able to set up fees. Via the admin panel changing on-demand child care scheduling service fees is easy. The admin will set the fess and make it visible to all users.

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Referrals and loyalty programs

These are important features when it comes to increasing the existing user base and having more loyal users. Via the admin panel, the admin can easily create various referral codes and engage users to take the necessary actions. Apart from this, from the same place, the admin can generate various loyalty programs and easily impress the users and turn them into loyal customers.

location 1 1
Proper childcare booking tracking

The admin can easily track all bookings by parents and guardians. The admin will be able to track the details and live status whenever he/she feels to do it. Tracking all bookings is important in order to ensure the best services to the parents and maintain the required transparency of the platform.

Billing and accounting

The admin panel will have a financial accounting module so that the admin can keep track of billings, total earnings of professionals, and commissions. The accounting software will manage every financial aspect with care and without any errors. Such features always help in keeping the platform truly transparent and less complicated.

Payroll management

The child care scheduling software’s admin panel will have a robust and error-free payroll management system. The payroll management system will help the admin to manage all cash and card earnings for babysitting professionals. If the admin finds it okay, the payment of the associated professionals will be directed to their bank accounts.

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360-degree view

The admin will be able to track all associated professionals via the admin panel and review their services. In this way, the admin will be able to track everything and ensure high-standard services to all users.

Zone management

The admin can create various zones for various child care services via the admin panel. The task is pretty easy. The admin just has to draw polylines on the integrated map and set the correct rates for each region (areas marked by the polyline).

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In-app chat monitoring

The chat performance should be monitored every now and then in order to ensure the best quality and transparency of the child care scheduling software. Apart from the performance of the platform, the admin will be able to monitor each professional along with their interactions with each other.

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Reports and reviews

The admin can enable the reports and reviews section for all users so that after taking a service, users can easily share their experience. Users will be able to share their complaints via the report section. They can share their experience via the reviews section. The admin can analyze both reports and reviews and understand how each professional is working. Such features always help in maintaining high safety and quality standards throughout the platform.

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Push messages

The admin can easily generate push messages to all users and inform them rightly. Push messages are really effective in bringing back users to the app again and again without facing any problem. It keeps users engaged and properly informed.

Why let us develop a child care scheduling app for you?

Best babysitting features to an impressive UX- the app will be equipped with the best things. Making it truly seamless and transparent is a mandatory regime when we develop any modern-day app solutions.

100% customizable app solutions

We prefer to design and develop 100% customizable software app solutions so that each and every unique requirement of the client can be met at the best level. If there is no unique thing in the entire app, making the app popular is a tough task. An eye-catching functionality can attract others and let the app be the leader in the domain. And that’s why each client prefers to get an app solution that is unique and had the potential to grab the market easily.

Credit card
PCI compliant

While running a child care scheduling software solution, the owner should not face any legal hassle. All features and functionalities should be free from legal interruption and that’s why we make applications truly PCI compliant. In this way, the app will run freely and there will be no legal complications.

Prebuilt scripts

In order to fasten the development to deployment stages, if the client agrees we deploy the best-prebuilt scripts. We always enable quality scripts that can add new dimensions to the software application. Our prebuilt scripts fasten the entire procedure and we can complete the software much earlier as a result the client gets more time to market the app. Nowadays, marketing is a mandatory task that each app owner needs to go through to ensure the success of the app.

Scalable and clean design

The child care scheduling software application should be purely scalable so that it can easily satisfy all growing requirements of the platform. If an application is not scalable then it cannot satisfy the future requirements and there is no benefit of developing more and more software solutions to satisfy the growing needs. And that’s why we make all our applications scalable so that clients can satisfy all requirements and save money.

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Multi-language and multi-currency support

In order to increase the user base, it is important to equip the app with multi-language and multi-currency support. In this way, users from various languages and cultures will be able to enjoy the best child care services. If they stay in different nations, they can easily pay the service charges. If an app has both multi-currency and multi-language support, it can easily grow and get more and more users within a short span of time.

Referrals and loyalty programs

Referrals and loyal programs are also effective in increasing the user base and boosting the user retention rate. Via the admin panel, the admin can generate various loyal programs and encourage users to participate and enjoy the best benefits. In the same way, the admin will be able to set referrals and encourage users to invite their friends and enjoy the unique benefits.

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SEO-friendly design

While designing and developing child care scheduling software solutions, we enable all the best SEO practices so that the app becomes truly SEO-friendly. If an app is not SEO-friendly, it cannot appear on top in search results. We follow all SEO rules and integrate the best things so that the app can enjoy the best SEO benefits.

App monitoring chatbots

Monitoring the app performance in detail is important. We will integrate the best app monitoring chatbot so that the admin or the app owner gets detailed app performance reports. In this way, ensuring the best performance and keeping the platform truly transparent will become possible. Running the platform with the best services and transparency is no longer a challenge with such an in-app feature.


Along with making the app truly robust, we prefer to make it properly secure. Making a child care scheduling software solution secure in all ways is important as deals with child information. In order to make the app properly secure, we activate the best things such as SSL, keychain, JWT, reverse proxy set up, and so many other security measures.

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