Payment gateway integration
Payment gateway integration
Payment gateway integration
Payment gateway integration
Payment gateway integration
Payment gateway integration

Payment gateway integration

Strengthen your existing website with excellent Custom Web Application Development. Services are designed with care by Vyrazu Labs. A custom web app means more power to your business.

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Why does your eCommerce need payment gateway integration services today 01

Why does your eCommerce need payment gateway integration services today?

The world is getting digital and we see mobilization in every aspect of life. There are only a few adult hands that are not holding smartphones most of the time in a day. From buying groceries to finding a life partner- people using mobile to perform every job of their lives. Probably there is no business type left that has not made an entry in the online world. But the success of an online business depends on how smooth the experience you are offering to your users. When it comes to offering a smooth shopping experience, how can we deny the benefits of enabling proper payment gateways!

We maintain all preconditions to offer Payment gateway integration Services- Legal Compliance

There are many ways that we can follow to offer payment gateway integration services for your online business such as hosted page, API, shopping carts, CSE, and so many other ways. But in order to integrate the gateways successfully, we need to get approval from the legal department. Or we can say that we need to agree with specific government policies and ensure that there will be no fraud. Before we start the payment gateway integration job, we need to check a lot of factors such as gateway service provider, type of the company/business, country, corporate accounts, personal accounts, regional boundaries, supported services, currency support, and so many other things. 

Apart from these preconditions, the financial organization you are going to deal with will ask for more information that as an app owner you have to provide. 

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1st Point 01

We/you need to prepare the Terms and Conditions page that will easily clarify the important points including delivery and refund policies.

2nd Point 01

The app needs to have a page where the privacy policy and user data processing rules will be clearly mentioned

3rd Point 01

All the products and services you are going to list down on your app should have detailed descriptions, titles, and trademarks

4th Point 01

The customer service and other contact details should be well-highlighted

5th Point 01

While using payment gateways, we need to display all the payment options

Do not want to take such hassles on your shoulder?

We can take your pain away with advanced and custom Payment Gateway Integration Services. We can fast solve all the legal hassles and let you concentrate on your business development.

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Multi-currency support

Growth is an inevitable fact for any business! There are a lot of businesses that have customers all across the world. They need strong international payment support. When it comes to choosing the best payment gateway, you need to check that your chosen option is offering international and multi-payment features or not. Along with this, you should also check that there are any additional charges for multi-currency-international payment options or not. We do all these and pick the best one according to your requirements.

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PCI compliance

When it comes to letting your customers pay you via cards, you need to ensure that the card and related data of your customers will be tightly secured. In order to ensure the security parameters, you should only deal with payment gateway hosting providers that are PCI DSS compliant. PCI DSS- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards actually ensure that all the user data used for the transaction will be secured.

customer service
Customer support

This is another important fact that you need to consider while choosing the payment gateway service provider. We always suggest choosing only those providers who offer 24/7 customer support. In order to stop the loss of valuable customers, you need proper support. And in terms of payment gateway services, you can enable that support only when your provider offers that to you. And that’s why we say customer support is a vital fact that you should not miss checking well before dealing with a gateway service provider.


Pricing is also an important factor for both you and your app users. Before selecting anyone you should do deep research on the pricing. It will be best if you deal with a provider who does not engage any kind of hidden charges neither for you nor for any end-user. There should be no hidden cost included in the transaction. Finding a reliable one may seem a bit difficult for you if you are not well versed in this domain. But you do not worry, we can do the research for you and let you get the best service provider easily.

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Multiple payment forms supported

There are so many exciting payment forms your target audience and users and presently using. And you cannot just limit their opportunities with just one or two options. If you miss a trending option, you are going to miss a lot of valuable customers. So, it will be better if you choose the best Payment Gateway Integration Services provider that keeps upgrading itself on a regular basis. It will all the leading as well as emerging payment options in the market.

Device/version compatibility

Vyrazu Labs prefers to pour more concentration on version dependency while offering Payment Gateway Integration Services. The market is filled with competition and you cannot grow more without having proper version/device independence. We ensure that our integration services will make your app compatible with all the available versions of the app. You may know that all smartphones that your users are using do not run the version. And that’s why you need to make it properly version/device compatible. In this way, you will enjoy more downloads and an increased conversion rate.

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Proper atomicity

The success of your transaction practice depends on its atomicity. If your transaction is not maintaining proper atomicity, your users will not find you a reliable option to continue with in the recent future. Vyrazu labs always suggest going for a payment gateway transaction process that either the entire transaction gets successful or the entire transaction gets canceled. And there is no in-between phase! This kind of practice not only secures the payment option but also keeps your users worry-free while they are trying to checkout.

Fraud screening features

In order to offer a hassle-free and smooth app experience to the users, simplifying the buying process is now necessary. But too much simplification often gives birth to possibilities of fraudulent risk. But the amazing fact is that there are some Payment Gateway Integration Services available in the market that come with stunning specialization in detecting suspicious fraudulent activities prior to the transaction process. So, it will be always better if you choose a payment gateway that has a specialization in such fraud detection.

Technology and innovation have freed us from typical 9 to 5 jobs! There was a time when if it is before 9 or after 5, there is no support for the clients. But thanks to technology, innovation, tools, and the willing power of lots of organizations like Vyrazu Labs that have made services and help available round the clock. 

Now we are ready to give and get services/solutions 24/7. Along with this, remote working has added a new dimension and helping us to extend the pool of talents. Now preparing the best team for handling a complex job is not a tough task anymore!

Our Process

With a defined goal to provide you the best payment gateway integration services, Vyrazu labs has established a mature & effective process that ensures high quality with secure and safe payment gateway integration. To know more about our process, you can ping us at any time.

Requirement analysis 01 1
Requirement analysis

This is the very first step of our payment gateway integration services. In this step, we gather all your requirements along with your platform preference for deeper analysis. Once we have all the required information, we start feasibility analysis in order to integrate the best payment gateway with your app.

Upgradation of the app 01
Upgradation of the app

After a deep analysis and feasibility test, the second step of this process is to properly upgrade the application. Without a proper upgrade, it is not possible to integrate the best payment gateway. So, we first make the app compatible and then start the integration work.

Payment gateway integration 01
Payment gateway integration

This is the third and most important step in our entire process. Once we are done with making the application compatible enough, we start the payment gateway integration process with our expert developers. The step includes a series of tasks that require high expertise and dedication.

Development Process in Vyrazu Labs

We prefer delivering bug-free integrations so that your entire process can run smoothly. And that’s why after payment gateway integration, we enable a serious series of tests to ensure that the entire integration is successful and there is no bug to cause any interruption in the near future.

Ready to Deliver 01
Ready to Deliver

Once we are sure with our rigorous testing methods, your app will be ready to boost your online business venture.

Supported Platforms

We do not prefer to underestimate the value of a single customer you can get. We do not want to see you lose customers just because of an unsupported platform. And that’s why we are ready here with skilled developers who can get you benefit from all the leading platforms.

Android App 01

Android platform is known as the most preferred mobile platform today. Presently it has a wide user base and that is nearly 77% of the total smartphone market share. And that’s why it is important to add a payment gateway in android apps for your online business. When the user base is vast, keeping everything safe and secure is actually a challenge. And that’s why we are equipped with expert professionals and the best technologies to ensure that all our solutions for the android platform are completely bug-free and super functional.

iOS App 01

iOS is known as the second most used mobile platform. Presently it is running with a user base of 1.5 billion. It is covering more than 18% of entire mobile users. So, when you opt for integrating the payment gateway with the iOS platform, you get the opportunity to serve that 18% of users. Without any doubt, iOS is a secure platform and we do not leave any stone unturned to keep the entire payment gateway integration flawless and well functional.

Windows icon 01

Windows may not be the most used platform today but that does not mean it has a very less number of users. It has a solid number of users and missing the opportunity to serve will affect your business. We suggest losing no single customer and that’s why we are rightly equipped to let you get benefits from any existing platform out there. Our years of working experience and expertise in integrating payment gateway with the windows platform based applications ensure successful integration that ensures smooth transaction on your app/site.

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Frequently asked questions

We prefer to keep our users and clients updated with all the right information. Having your own payment gateway is an expensive decision. And that’s why we keep you updated so that you can make a wise decision.

App complexity is nothing but the feature set of an app. It plays a great role when it comes to deciding the price of the app. Keeping in sync with the transaction, we find it important to integrate the entire app with the payment gateway system.

Based on the complexity of an app, we can decide the hours we need for successful integrations. If the complexity is high, we will require more time for successful integration.

Based on the quality you want and your location, the cost of a developer will be different. And that’s why we have a wide range of costs for the successful integration of an app with a payment gateway.

The fee is charged by the payment gateway provider. You have to pay the charge for every transaction your eCommerce site/app will process. Then the entire fee amount will be split between the card provider, online gateway service provider, and the merchant account provider. You will experience a decrease in cost when your sale will grow.

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