Terms and conditions of Services

Terms of Service


Parts of this Agreement

This Agreement includes the following terms and conditions if any, specific to the use of individual services. Here in this agreement, all the general terms are referred to as ‘Terms’. Over time, if any conflict takes place between the service-specific terms and general terms, the service-specific terms will be accepted.

Acceptance of the Terms

In order to enter into a binding agreement, you should of legal age for the acceptance of all the terms and conditions. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions, you will not be able to use any of our services. If you only agree to general terms and do not agree to service-specific terms, you will not be able to use that specific service. You will get a clickable option to accept all the terms and conditions.

Description of Service

We provide a wide range of services for better online collaboration and management including spreadsheet, word processor, database application creator, presentation tool, email client, chat client, customer relationship management application, project management applications, and so on. You can take services from Vyrazu Labs for personal and business use or for the internal purposes of the business you represent. You can access the services in any supported browser by the Services. Here, you will be responsible for obtaining access to the internet and any equipment in order to access the service. By logging into your user account, you will be able to create as well as edit content. Along with this, you can also publish the updated content.

Subscription to Beta Service

Vyrazu Labs offers a range of services as open or closed beta services for test and evaluation purposes. You agree that Vyrazu Labs has the sole authority to define and determine the time period for evaluation and testing of the Beta Services. Vyrazu Labs will be the sole judge to determine the success of such tests and evaluations. You will be under no obligation to get a subscription in order to use any paid service. Vyrazu Labs reserves all the rights to fully or partially discontinue, temporarily or permanently any of the Beta Services with or without informing you. You agree that Vyrazu Labs will not be liable to you or to any third-party in terms of any harm related to, arising out of, or caused due to suspension, modification, or discontinuation of any of the Beta Services.

Modification of Terms and Conditions

Vyrazu Labs can modify the Terms and Conditions by offering notice to you at any time via a service announcement or sending an email to your registered email address. If Vyrazu Labs makes any changes that directly or indirectly affect your rights, you will be notified at least 30 days prior to the activation of new changes. You will be able to terminate your use of Services offered by Vyrazu Labs by an email within 30 days of getting the email from this end on modification. You will get a refund of the unused portion of any prepaid fees. If you continue to use our service even after the very date of the activation, it will be accepted as your agreement to the modified terms.

User Sign Up Obligations

In order to use or access the services provided by Vyrazu Labs, you have to sign up for a user account. In order to sign up, you have to provide all the required information. If you are representing an organization and want to use the services for the business’s internal use, Vyrazu Labs suggests that you and other users from your organization should sign up for user accounts by proving the corporate contact information. Specifically, Vyrazu Labs recommends that you should use your corporate email address. You and users from your organization agree to provide true, accurate, updated, and complete information during the sign-up. If you provide any untrue, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete information or if Vyrazu Labs gets any reasonable ground to suspect that your information is untrue, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, Vyrazu Labs can terminate your user account and refuse to let you access or use any of all services in future.

Organization Accounts and Administration

During the sign-up, you can specify one or more administrators. The specified administrators will get the rights to configure the services based on your requirements. If you let any third-party do the same on your behalf, the third-party will be accepted as the administrator. You should sign a suitable agreement with that third-party in order to set the roles and responsibilities of that third-party as an administrator of your organization’s user account. 

You will be responsible for:

  • Ensuring the required confidentiality of your organization’s account password
  • Letting competent individuals as administrators for managing your organizational user account
  • Ensuring all the activities from your side will comply with this agreement 

You should understand that Vyrazu Labs will not be responsible for account administration and other internal management of services for you.

Personal Information and Privacy

All the personal information you provide to Vyrazu Labs via the Service will be rightly governed by Vyrazu Labs’ privacy policy. Your use of services provided by Vyrazy Labs indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of Vyrazu Labs. You will be the sole responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of your username, password, other sensitive information. You will be the sole responsible for all the activities in your user account. If you face any kind of unauthorized use of your user account, you agree to inform us that immediately by email to info@vyrazu.com or by calling us on the listed number on the website. Vyrazu Labs will not be responsible for any loss or damage to you or to any third-party caused as a result of any unauthorized access or use of your user account.

Communications from Vyrazu Labs

The Service will include certain communications from Vyrazu Labs such as service announcements, administrative messages, and newsletters. All these communications will be accepted as part of using the Services. Our privacy policy offers you the freedom to opting-out of the newsletter subscription whenever you want. But you will not be able to opt-out from receiving the service announcements and administrative messages.


If Vyrazu Labs receives any complaint from any person or organization against you with respect to your activities as part of the use of the Service, Vyrazu Labs will forward the complaint to your registered primary email address. Within 10 days of receiving the email, you should respond accordingly. If we do not get any response within the given time period, we may disclose your name and other contact information to the complainant to take legal action against you.

Fees and payments

All the Services provided by Vyrazu Labs are available under various subscription plans. You can use Credit cards in order to make payments for subscription plans of duration less than a year. After the end of each subscription, your plan will be renewed automatically. If you want to discontinue, you can inform us and you will not be charged for that. If you do not want to renew the plan, you should inform us that at least seven days before the renewal date. You will be able to use various Credit cards for the payment. Our free service plans may change from time to time. Any increase in the charges will not be applied until you reach the expiry of your current subscription.

Restriction on use

Along with other terms and conditions of this agreement, you should not:


  • Transfer the service or make the service available for any third-party
  • Offer any service based on the Services without any prior written permissions 
  • Use any third-party links to websites without agreeing to the terms and conditions of the sites
  • Post any links to third-party sites or use company name, logic, and so on without taking permission
  • Publishing any confidential information of an individual or entity without any written permission
  • Use the services in a way that can damage, disable, impair, overburden, or hard any server, computer system, network, and resource of Vyrazu Labs
  • Disobey or violate any applicable local, state, national, and international law
  • Generate a false identity in order to mislead any person/organization

Spam and illegal activities

You agree to be solely responsible for the delivery of the contents via the Services. You agree not to use any of the Services for any illegal purposes or for the material transmission of material that is defamatory, unlawful, harassing, abusive, libelous, harmful, obscene, pornographic, offends religious sentiments, promotes racism, contains malicious code, or infringes or may infringe intellectual right or property of another. You should not use our services in order to transmit spam, junk mail, chain letters, phishing, or unsolicited distribution of email. If Vyrazu Labs gets reasonable grounds to believe that you have used its Services for any illegal or unauthorized activity, Vyrazu Labs reserves the right to terminate your access to the Services.

Inactive user account policy

Vyrazu Labs reserves the right to terminate unpaid user accounts that are completely inactive for a continuous period of 120 days. If we terminate your account this way, we will all the associated data. You will get a prior notification and an option to back-up all your important data. We calculate each service as an independent and separate service in order to calculate the period of inactivity.

Data ownership

Vyrazu Labs respects the ownership of the content you have created or stored. Without taking written permission from you, Vyrazu Labs will not use your content for commercial, marketing, or for any similar purpose. But Vyrazu Labs will be able to access, copy, distribute, transmit, reformat, and publicly display the content of your user account in order to provide the Services.

User-Generated Content

You will be allowed to publish any content created by you using any of the Services. You will be the sole responsible for the consequences of that published content. Your published content will be publicly accessible and search engines can index that. You should ensure that you do not publish any confidential content publicly. If you get any content from the other users of the Service, it will be only for personal use. Without getting the written consent from the sender you cannot use, copy, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, and license the content for any purpose.

Sample files and applications

Vyrazu Labs offers sample files and applications for a better understanding of the Services. Such sample files and applications contain random data. Vyrazu Labs does not ensure the accuracy, usefulness, completeness, or reliability of the information or the applications and sample files.


Vyrazu Labs, the logo of the Vyrazu Labs, the names of the individual services are trademarks of Vyrazu Labs. you agree not to display any of the mentioned things in any way without the written consent from the Vyrazu Labs.

Disclaimer of Warranties

You agree that the use of any Services offered by Vyrazu Labs is at your sole risk. We provide services on an as-is-and-as-available basis. Vyrazu Labs disclaims all warranties of any kind. Vyrazu Labs does not warrant that all the services will be uninterrupted, secure, timely, or completely error-free. If you use any material for the use of services, you will do it at your own discretion and risk and you will be solely responsible if any damage or harm takes place to your computer system, wireless devices, mobile systems, or data.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that Vyrazu Labs shalom in no event will be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, punitive, special, or any other losses or damages of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other loss arising out of your inability to use the service, even if Vyrazu Labs has advised of the possibility of such damage.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Vyrazu Labs, its directors, officers, suppliers, employees, and affiliates from and against any damages, losses, expenses, and fines relating to any claims that you have used our services in violation of another party’s rights and any law.


If any controversy or claim takes place relating to the Terms, it will be settled by binding arbitration according to the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. Such a controversy or claim will be arbitrated on an individual basis. The decision of the arbitrator will be accepted as final and unappealable.

Suspension and Termination

If Vyrazu Labs finds any suspected illegal activity, a long period of inactivity, or get requests from law enforcement or other governmental agencies, it can temporarily or permanently disable your access to an entire or a part of any Service. If you have any objection on the access termination, you can let us know that at info@vyrazu.com. We will notify you about the suspension and do the suspension after 30 days of sending you the notice. 


If you violate the terms and conditions of Vyrazu Labs, we can terminate your user account and deny services. You can do the same if you find your rights are getting violated by Vyrazu Labs. 


End of Terms and conditions of service

For any kind of questions and concerns regarding this agreement, you can reach Vyrazu Labs at info@vyrazu.com at any time.

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