

Do you really know your development idea is going to make a difference?- If no, then test your idea today with Vyrazu Labs’ exciting prototyping services

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Better products = Prototyping + User Testing

Having a prototype means you are going to enjoy a completely flawless product. There were days when we used to get feedback on a product or idea after the final release. Many products have failed in this way! Thanks to the entry of Prototyping practices as now we can check much earlier that a product is going to win or not.

Prototyping is actually a cost-effective way to test an idea and get valuable feedback from users. Prototypes help us to understand what more we needed to satisfy the requirements of the users. Real-time feedback or reviews from the users let us know how far an idea can go and the areas where we should put more effort. When we can know feedback early, we can easily and early make the product/solution flawless. A perfect product always wins millions of hearts as there is no compromise for the users.

How We do Prototyping?

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Identifying the goals of the project

Our Prototyping service starts with understanding the utility of the product or idea. The idea is really going to solve a need or not- we research this before putting any technical effort. Once we understand the goals and scopes of the product/solution- we move to the next step ASAP.

Proper Market Analysis

The market analysis step is all about understanding how people are reacting to a similar idea. Competitive analysis helps in understanding what more we should enable to grab the market as similar ideas already exist in the market. Our market analysis also includes the understanding of future scopes.

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Understanding the target audience

The third step is about concentrating on the target audience. Understanding demographics along with user requirements helps in developing a product that can do more with less. The market competition is always high and that’s why it is important to best satisfy the requirements of users.

Type and platform analysis

Our UX designers prefer to know more about the product type, platforms, and devices before starting the actual Prototyping task. What we do for making a website responsive on all platforms that we cannot do for a native web app! And that’s why we perform proper product type and platform analysis early.

Following visual precedent

A similar idea can exist in the market and maybe that is doing fine. Following the visual precedent helps us in delivering a comparatively better solution. When we research the visual precedent, we concentrate on the strengths to carry and weaknesses to improve.

Defining proper deliverables

Properly defining the deliverables is important. Once we define the deliverable, we can easily plan the required steps and workflow. You know that every project is unique and requires different levels of effort and expertise. Successfully defining the deliverables helps us in setting the pace and planning resources.

Importance of Prototyping

Importance of Prototyping

If we have a prototype, our development team can better understand the workload and define tasks for each member to fast deliver the product. When we can better plan the development deadlines, we can actually save a lot of time and money for our clients. In order to properly understand the benefits of prototyping, we have to take its benefits into account. From evaluating technical feasibility to risk reduction and real product simulate- we can much more in the form of prototyping.

When we can present your future offer to your potential customers in a secure way, we can better collect user opinions, testimonials, and expert recommendations. By analyzing all these things, the final product becomes stronger than ever and the owner enjoys growth and success. It also helps our clients to better set the marketing communication and start proper pre-sales!

Process of our Prototyping


Sketching the idea is the very first step of our Prototyping journey. In order to sketch the idea, we start with extensive market research. We deeply focus on the requirements of the clients. And our market research also helps us to understand the underlying user requirements. Once we are done with market research, we sketch the idea and move to the wireframing step.

Wireframe development

When we sketch the idea properly, we can easily design the roadmap and arrange the required tools. In the wireframing step, we concentrate on crafting the blueprint of the product or solution. Here, we concentrate on functionality at the best level. In this step, we also make changes based on in-house feedback.

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The third step is all about creating both types of prototypes. When we complete a hi-fi prototype, we publish it and wait for the feedback. Our stakeholders also get the link of the published prototype so that they can also know the reaction of users properly.

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User Feedback

The 4th step is about analyzing user feedback. Just by publishing a prototype (clickable), we can easily understand exactly how users are going to feel about the product. It also helps us to know areas users are liking most along with the areas where we should do more improvements. Based on the user feedback, we and our client can better make the final decision.

Final decision
Final decision

From the user feedback, we, clients, and even stakeholders can understand the future of the product. From the last step, we find both strengths and weaknesses to work on. The client can market the strengths and we work on the weaknesses so that the entire product gets the desired success.

Test your
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Validate your idea and turn it into a reality with Vyrazu Labs’ prototyping services

Types of prototyping

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Low-Fi prototypes (Low-stress wireframes)

When we will discuss prototypes with you, you will find that we are pouring more concentration on the types of prototypes. Understanding the type of prototype is important to deliver you a flawless solution. Lo-Fi type of prototyping is all about conceptualization just using pen and paper. Sometimes, we also use low fidelity prototype as the point of origin for the hi-fi prototype.This type of prototype also includes the transition of a slightly higher level of fidelity and for that, we engage wireframes. In this step, we mainly move from pen-paper to screen and increase the fidelity accordingly. The lower fidelity design mainly concentrates on the structure instead of look and feel. Here, we do not prefer to get lost in detail and solely concentrate on functionality.

  • Low-fi prototypes and faster to create and help us to focus more on functionality
  • During the user testing, we can update it as much as the client wants
  • It enables comparatively less pressure on users, stakeholders, and they can freely speak on design changes
  • The unfinished look helps us and our clients to set the best development pace without missing anything out
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HI-FI prototypes (clickable prototypes)

Once we are done with the low-fi prototype, we start the preparation to develop a higher fidelity prototype in order to get a more realistic experience of the product/solution. This type of prototype is actually the final step of our prototyping journey. Here we blend functional wireframes with the designed elements. And as a result, we get hi-fi and properly clickable prototypes that are more powerful as well as functional.The development of hi-fi prototypes requires more time and money in comparison with the low-fi prototypes. From using high-end languages and tools to deploy the best resources- we do everything here to make the final prototype fully functional. Test our Prototyping ability now!

  • We can easily publish this kind of prototype in the market and it helps us in understanding the reaction of users and stakeholders to the prototype.
  • We can discuss the feedback and reviews remotely. I mean in order to check the quality and user reaction, we do not have to arrange a face to face meetings. We can see the feedback remotely and discuss it.
  • Sometimes, we use these prototypes to share specifications with our expert developers. They can easily use it to make better designs for typographic styles, color, and various other measurements.

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You have an idea, We have the way to make it a reality

Vyrazu Labs, a global leader in the area of robust digital product development

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2000+ successful projects with 1000+ satisfied clients

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You have an idea, We have the way to make it a reality

Vyrazu Labs, a global leader in the area of robust digital product development

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