top 10 faq on hrm

There have been occasions when readers like you have got in touch with the queries they had with respect to Human Resource Management issues.

The following top 10 faq on hrm have been assimilated from the input received from various quarters and care has been taken to answer them in the simplest way possible.

Top 10 faq on hrm



Frequently asked questions on HRMS

: What is Human Resource?    

Ans: Human Resource has two meanings:  

  • Human resource refers to the people who work in an organization.
  • Human resource refers to that function in an organization that manages the people and directs them to achieve organizational objectives.



Top 10 faq on hrm: How did Human Resource originate?

Ans: Human Resources originated during the industrial revolution period because of the prevailing conditions amongst the factory workers in Europe. At that time, factory workers especially women and children were treated very badly.

It was to safeguard their interests that welfare officers were appointed. This later on led to the creation of personnel departments that took care of the requirements of the workers in an organization and in due course of time this gave birth to the Human Resource function as we know of today.



Top 10 faq on hrm

: What is Human Resource Management?

Ans: Human Resource Management is the branch of operations in an organization that recruits, develops, manages, trains, motivates, rewards and directs the workforce to align and achieve the goals of the organization.

Q. 4.

Top 10 faq on hrm: What is Human Resource Management System?

Ans: A Human Resource Management System is an automated system that serves two important purposes: 

  • Employee data is kept in a computerized system that is secure and can be easily accessed for analysis.
  • As it is near impossible to physically store employee records for an ever-growing organization, an HRMS software handles such issues with ease and has modules that take care of all possible organizational functions which can be accessed through a single interface.

Check this out from Quora which answers a similar question:   



Top 10 faq on hrm: What is the difference between HRM systems and HRM tools?

Ans: They are the same thing as both are designed to automate the HRM process by developing a computerized system that takes care of Human Resource Management needs.



Top 10 faq on hrm: What are the features of a Human Resource Management system?

Ans: In general an HRMS is a software system that has been designed and developed to automate the HR functions of an enterprise. One such HRMS, developed by Vyrazu Labs is available at Enterprise and automates the following functions:  

  • Leave Management
  • Employee Management
  • Payroll Management
  • Attendance Management
  • Appraisal Management



Top 10 faq on hrm: Is HRMS an expensive system?

Ans: HRMS is not at all an expensive system. Moreover, it turns out to be cheaper when compared to the service it provides. Also, there are various pricing plans which an organization can opt for.

Pricing is generally offered on per employee per month basis, so organizations do not have to make a sizeable investment while going for an HRMS system.

Q. 8.

Top 10 faq on hrm: What is cloud computing and what is its relation to HRMS?

Ans: Cloud computing is a broad term and refers to anything which involves delivering hosted services over the internet. These services are categorized into three parts: 

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
  • Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS)
  • Software-as-a-Service(SaaS)

There is no direct relation between cloud computing and HRMS as these are two separate entities. The two happen to have a connection only when a service provider offers HRMS services by hosting the system on a server and thus ends up using cloud computing technology. 



Top 10 faq on hrm: How secure is user data in a cloud-based HRM system?

Ans: In a cloud-based HRMS like the one mentioned above at Enterprisesecurity is provided at various levels — network and physical.

There are regular backups taken to prevent any loss of data. Database and system files can be accessed only by authorized personnel. Lastly, the system takes the help of the latest encryption methodologies to protect any transactional data within the system.



Top 10 faq on hrm: What is the best cloud based HRM system?

Ans: Well, it is very difficult to answer this question without asking you questions. The reason being that the needs of every user are different, as it depends on the scale of the organization, the domain in which it works, the organizational structure, which technical platform is the user looking for, etc.

It shall be best to first decide on your needs and then approach service providers who shall accordingly take care of your requirements.

Check this question from Quora:    

Having said that, HRMS developed by Vyrazu Labs is a robust system that takes care of user needs and has been successfully installed at many organizations of varying sizes.

Get in touch:

I hope the above answers have been able to take care of your questions. If you are on the lookout for an HRMS tool for your organization have a look at our web series to get a first-hand demo of the product.

If you need a first-hand demo, kindly fill-up the form below and we shall get in touch with you. For pricing details, just check the pricing page. Also, if you are heading a small organization of 4 / 5 members you can have free access to this tool for 3 years. Get in touch.

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