Mobile Application Testing

The arrival of smartphones changed the way users interacted with software applications as it opened up the area of development of applications that were specifically designed for the mobile carrying audience. This, in turn, led to the development of stringent procedures for Mobile Application Testing so that mobile users got the best value for their mobile apps.

In this article, we shall have a look at the top 5 tips which you shall be needing for successful mobile app testing. These 5 Mobile Application Testing tips gonna answer a lot of questions when it comes to how to test mobile applications successfully.

Do think from the point of the user:

This is a very important point while testing mobile applications you have to think from the point of the user. It is a very strong possibility that there shall be different types of users who shall be using the same application and the way in which they use the application is going to be very different. So, if you have an idea of the target audience you need to plan things from their perspective as this shall give you the direction in which you can plan your test cases.

Mobile Application Testing: Performing testing on real devices

When it comes to how to test mobile application, you can do early-stage testing on emulators but if all your tests are run on emulators it is certain that your app will fail in the real world scenario. Real mobiles let you test many device parameters like connectivity issues, GPS, battery drain, etc. Also, emulators don’t take into account the unique configuration of each device.

Also, it shall be impossible for you to perform mobile application testing on all the devices that are available in the market. So, if you can cover almost 80% of the devices which your target audience shall be using then you can be satisfied that you have done a pretty decent job to ensure the mobile application testing success.

Mobile Application Testing: Automation of testing process

The process of mobile application testing needs to be automated and it is more important in the case of mobile applications than normal desktop apps.

Automation processes help run tests parallelly in mobile devices as well as emulators. This, in turn, speeds up the entire process of testing and you can bring your app faster to the market.

Do have a look at this blog post which has a detailed look at how you can create a mobile game app, all by yourself.  

Mobile Application Testing: Load testing and performance testing

While performing mobile application testing it is always advisable to carry out performance and load testing as late as possible. There are several tools that can help you with load testing at the protocol level, as for eg JMeter.

Also, you shall have to test the performance of a number of real devices to see the results for situations like memory leaks, etc while doing your mobile application testing. At the end of it, you have to ensure that your app has a smooth run after its release.

Mobile Application Testing: Mobile-specific tools

Mobile application testing requires the usage of specially built mobile testing tools. One such tool is Appium. Also, for the Android platform Robotium is a tool that can be appropriately used.

Any action which is performed on the app is recorded and saved as a test case. In the same manner, Espresso helps write and perform automation of UI tests and EarlGrey is the exact equivalent of Espresso in the iOS platform.


Well, by now you do have an idea about how to test mobile applications or the ways in which you can move forward with your Mobile Application Testing processes in order to come up with a  highly successful app.

Also, just to let you know we, at Vyrazu Labs have a highly competent mobile app development team in the Android and iOS platform which has also carried out numerous testing projects for our clients and can solve any other queries related to ‘how to test mobile application’.

So, if you happen to have any such testing needs please get in touch with us for a FREE CONSULTATION. Our team of experts shall get in touch with you so as to devise customized solutions for your project needs.

Please drop your comments/feedback in order to make this engagement of ‘how to test mobile application’ more interactive. Or if you have more questions regarding how to test mobile application in 2020, please fill our quote form and have a direct discussion! 

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