Magento Product Tags

Tags are the small one-word or phrasal descriptions added to any product, which helps you categorize and organize them. Any user in Magento, once logged in, can add, rename, or delete as many tags to their products as they want. They are visible as blocks on the front end, to anyone viewing the product, and would also reflect on the product info page.

Magento Product Tags: add tags of your own choices in Magento

  • Firstly you need to login to your Magento admin and go to your Magento control panel.
  • Click on Catalog>Tags>All tags.
  • Click on Add New Tag at the upper right-hand corner.
  • Key in the preferred Tag Name, and make sure the Status is set to Approved.
  • Click on Save Tag.

How to activate Magento Product Tags that you created?

  • Once you’ve created your tag, you can select the products to be associated with your tag, by following these steps:
  • Click on the created tag and expand the products that have been tagged by administrators already.
  • Reset the filter and select the products that you want to be listed under the tag.
  • Click on save

And you’re done! You just created a tag of your own, and associated it with the products you think it describes! Hope this was helpful!

Now it comes to why adding tags is important. When you are reading this blog on how to add Magento Product Tags, you have some idea of its benefits. Below, I am going to shape your idea. Or it will be helpful for others too who want to know the importance of tags. 

Why do you need Magento Product Tags? 

The Internet is getting more and more on a regular basis. Millions of website owners provide content on a regular basis. Maybe they are of your own niche. Then how one will find you especially when there’s too much information available! There’s a trick and that is SEO.

I know you already know that. SEO is not a simple thing. A lot of small to large factors are related here. How a search engine is going to categorize your content or how it lets the website or page be visible to the right users if you do not help it to define the category!

The tag is one of the best ways to define the category of a product or content. Tags or labels simply wipe out the pain of defining the category. When you create a tag, the search engine can better understand the origin, characteristics, and reason for publishing the content. And it presents your page or product in front of the right people. 

When it comes to adding tags in Magento, it is all about helping the platform as well as the users to find the right product. Your product belongs to which category, its characteristics, origin and so many other things can be easily understood with the help of tags. 

What if you missed adding the Magento Product Tags!

The answer is quite predictable, you will not get views as well as other e-commerce benefits including sales. When you are setting an e-commerce site, your target is to offer the right products to the right people and increase sales day by day. But without proper product tags that cannot be possible.

Without the Magento Product Tags, the site will not be able to show the right category product to the right audience. If a visitor searches for ‘pen’ and as a result, he/she gets ‘peanut butter’, automatically the visitor will be confused. And if it continues, you will end up having a poor user experience. 

So, initially, it seems that tag is just a little thing but it has a lot of values. It directly influences the search result and lets the platform show the right product to the right people. So, if you are a Magento user, you should not forget to add the right tag or skip this part or schedule it to do later. During the listing, you should do this small and very easy task and get the benefits forever after. 

Hope this blog on Magento Product Tags is helpful to you! If you want to know more about Magento Product Tags or the Magento platform or want to create an eCommerce site with the help of Magento, you can let us know. We provide such services with expertise. In order to know more, you can fill our quote form and hit the submit button. Or if you want to share your feedback based on this blog, our comment box is welcoming you!

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