GPS And Logistics Integration
GPS And Logistics Integration
GPS And Logistics Integration
GPS And Logistics Integration
GPS And Logistics Integration
GPS And Logistics Integration

GPS And Logistics Integration

Integrating Global Positioning System Technology(GPS) adds a professional and reliable approach to your logistic business. Our experienced professionals at Vyrazu Lab understand your exclusive requirements and meet the expectation carefully.

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How do GPS and Logistics integration services transform your transportation & logistics business?

GPS and Logistics integration services can actually do wonders for you if you are running a transportation and logistics business. Supply chain management was never this much easier before the entry of GPS and Logistics integration services. From shipping to tracking performance- proper GPS and logistic integration will help you in getting ultimate control of your fleet vehicles along with manpower.

How this integration service can completely transform your business experience to understand that properly, we have to explore the benefits. The first benefit is proper resource optimization. It actually helps in boosting transparency between the owner and the drivers. Apart from this driver safety, increased productivity, reduced risk of theft, and fuel efficiency are some other benefits that you can enjoy after availing of our GPS and Logistics integration services. It is one of the best ways to keep the entire supply management chain free from any kind of flaw.

Best GPS and Logistics integration services to transform your business experience

Benefits will be countless when you will enable our GPS and Logistics integration services.
Below are the glimpses of benefits you will get:

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Resource Optimization

Boosting transparency is an ultimate need when it comes to managing a supply chain smoothly. GPS and Logistics integration services can help you to boost the transparency between you and your manpower. It will also help you to find out the grey areas successfully and you can save your process from any unwanted problems. Our robust GPS and Logistics integration services will help you in recording real arrival and delivery time. And you can easily eliminate the chances of late delivery and reduce penalization accordingly

Driver Safety

Drivers are the front liners in the fleet management business. Our advanced GPS and Logistics integration services can help you in managing their safety as well as wellbeing properly. You will be able to monitor driver behavior and patterns. Transportation or any kind of supply chain business requires each and every update about its drivers. And that you can easily avail of just by enabling our GPS and Logistics integration services.

Fuel efficiency

Along with providing you the best GPS and Logistics integration services, we keep close eyes on trends and themes of fleet vehicles. By using our integrations, you can easily monitor routes and suggest to your drivers the best ways to reach fast without using too much fuel. In this way, you can also eliminate the bad driving habits of your drivers and direct them with the best roadmap. Just by avoiding complicated routes, you not only save fuel but also keep your drivers safe.

Reduced risk of theft

We know that transportation and logistics businesses require high investments. If a vehicle with lots of consignment gets lost, you not only have to pay the fine but also have to deal with critical legal processes. But all these chances you can completely eliminate with our advanced GPS integration services. The right GPS tracking will bring transparency to your fleet vehicles and you can continue your business without having any fear of vehicle or consignment theft.

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Increased productivity

Such kind of service will help you in getting real-time updates on your remote device. You will just get a centralized hub for all kinds of information and it will help you to make quick as well as effective decisions. When you can eliminate boring and time-consuming admin work, you can automatically pour more concentration on other important business activities. With real-time road and traffic updates, you can easily manage a better alternative for your drivers and fulfill your responsibility via our GPS and Logistics integration services.

Easy buy & sell

Without any doubt, logistics integration has made buying and selling easy for suppliers and distributors. It will help a supplier to immediately show the distributors what is available for a price and sell accordingly. Distributors will get correct availability information when they are ready to buy. Apart from this, logistics integration helps in streamlining product configuration, proper product configuration integration helps the buyer easily choose the best imprint locations, methods, or just configuring the product based on the business rules.

Time & labor effective

When buyers can easily know the price and required information online, there is no need to call or email the trading partners. And in this way, they can save a lot of time. There are thousands of products that a buyer/dealer deals with. For each product initiating a call/email is not only a time-consuming task but also requires a lot of energy and patience. Apart from this, GPS and Logistics integration services also helps suppliers and buyers with the right order status. Based on the availability and order shipping, the supplier/buyer can perform the related tasks easily.

customer service
Improved customer service

Once you are equipped with the right GPS and Logistics integration services, you will be updated with the information needed to place, manage, and complete orders properly. Not only managing orders properly but also creating invoices will be easier as distributors will get the required information for proper order life cycle management.

Having our GPS and logistics integration services means you get relief from manual labor and save a lot of time. You can gather information more efficiently and save a lot of time and labor. Managing the order life cycle is very much important and just a single mistake can ruin the entire process and affect your reputation.

Build the next big
Business app​

Make your business popular and enjoy increased sales with our excellent mobile app development service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Keeping our users and clients updated with all the right information is our responsibility. For basic GPS & Logistics integration related queries, check our FAQ section and for further help, kindly write to us at

The benefits of GPS and Logistics integration services is actually countless. It just transforms your entire business experience. Once you have our services, you will enjoy real-time visibility of vehicles with GPS, do better route optimization and less paperwork. Along with these, you will also be able to streamline vehicle utilization and record drivers’ profiles easily.

Well, the number of days depends on the type of service you need. Based on app complexity and other related factors, we can decide the time span. In order to know the exact timing, you can contact us at any time. And you will get a completely free quote service after proper analysis of your requirements.

Yes, definitely! We provide 24/7 support for our clients. We do not believe in ending relationships just after delivering the solution. We have long term relationships with many of our clients. For any kind of service related issues, you can reach us at any time.

Well, this is another frequently asked question that does not receive any exact answer at the first move. In order to calculate the expense, we need to check a lot of things such as app complexity, your requirements, available options based on your requirements, and so on. The price as well as number of days for successful integration, we can share only when you share your entire requirements with us. But you can get sure that Vyrazu Labs is a leading company and never charges extra. We offer services at a reasonable rate and for that you do not need to break your bank.

Supported Platforms

At Aglowid, we understand the importance of every single customer you got. Losing a customer just because of an unsupported platform is not in our syllabus. We had a bunch of mobile app developers skilled in various mobile platforms such as Android, IOS, Windows and Java-based mobile platform.


Android is the most commonly used mobile platform with a user base of 76.99% of smartphone market share. Hence it is evitable to for you add payment gateway in android apps for your business. However, with such a large user base, it is very essential to keep it secure and safe.We at Aglowid had an in-house team for mobile apps testing that ensure that any solution provide by us will remain bug-free as much as possible.

app store

Being the second most used mobile platform with a user base of 18.91%, integrating the payment gateway with your IOS is a smarter way to reach and serve those 18 percent of mobile users. Though IOS is considered among one of the secure mobile os platforms, our rigorous testing methods will ensure that there will be no loopholes left while integrating a payment gateway with your IOS app.


Of Course this platform loses its mojo over Android and IOS, still, there are numbers of mobile users with windows based platform. However, no one likes to lose even its single customer. With a goal to serve all in one solution, we behold our expertise in integrating payment gateway with windows based platform apps ensuring it to deliver safe and secure payment integration services.

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