employee life cycle management

An employee comes to your office to give his or her best performance. And your job is to give your employees a reason to come back tomorrow. You may have seen that a lot of employees leave a company and never come back.

Why? The reason is the organization fails to give them comfort and freedom or work. Vague organizational policies, improper employee training, inner politics, and so many other reasons are there to leave an organization.

The owner may not have that much time to investigate each little issue of his/her organization. But when best performers leave an organization, both the productivity and reputation of the organization face bad times. In order to keep the best performers at your organization and grow together, employee life cycle management is important. 

If you invest, you will see that every big brand does proper employee life cycle management to keep their productivity up to the mark. If you are a business owner and facing difficulty to retain quality employees and boost productivity, continue this blog, it’s gonna help you. 

In the earlier days, employee life cycle management was something manual but today a software solution is enough to do such tricky tasks. Before discussing how software is going to do proper employee life cycle management, we should understand what employee life cycle management and its stages. 

What is the employee’s life cycle & employee life cycle management?

According to expert HR managers, the employee lifecycle is an HR model that properly defines the different stages of an employee at a specific organization. Here HR executives play a great role. Proper analyzing or tracking each employee’s life cycle will help you to boost productivity as well as planning the training program.

From recruiting to off-boarding- a lifecycle of an employee. In short, you can say that it is all about the journey of an employee with a company. Every stage of the employee life cycle is important and HRs have significant responsibilities there. Nowadays, for the proper talent management, companies are taking the help of HRMS software solution.


5 stages of the employee life cycle management

Recruitment- when it comes to employee life cycle management, the first stage is recruitment. You know that without any doubt this stage is tough. Selecting the right candidate who will support your productivity and work culture is a tricky task.

We can say that even before an employee joins your office, his/her employee life cycle starts! Experts say that this is a super important part of business development also. In order to select the right one, the HR team should have a strategic recruiting process. 

In the recruitment stage, you should consider some facts for better candidate selection as well as smoothening the process-

  • You need to properly review the company benefits and compensation packages. In order to attract the best talents, you need to make sure that your offerings are competitive enough. 
  • Each position’s roles and responsibilities need to be properly documented. You should frequently update these documents to match it with the needs of your organization. It will also help a candidate to understand exactly which skills are you in search of within a candidate. 
  • According to your organization’s rules and time, you should schedule the interviews. You can divide the entire process into two to three rounds. It will help you to pick the best candidate from the crowd. 

Onboarding- Onboarding is the second important stage in employee life cycle management. In this stage, the new joiner will decide how many days he or she is going to be at your organization. According to expert HR managers, a new joiner decides this factor within the first 90 days of joining.

Actually, they need a bit of time to properly understand the company’s practices and culture. In this stage, a new joiner becomes a member of your company. he/she starts to align his/her dream with your organizational goals.

In this stage, not only the HR but also team leaders should help a new joiner to properly understand his/her duties and establish a good bond. Some companies like Vyrazu Labs offer proper training just after recruiting an employee so that she/he can best align her/his skills with the requirements of the organization. 

Career development- is one of the most critical stages of employee life cycle management. Nowadays, employees want to grow faster. They want to know the areas where they are performing better along with the areas where they are not performing so well. Here your HR policies should play a pivotal role.

Actually, a career development strategy is a good way to enhance the potential, performance, and productivity of all employees. A-size fits all strategy may not work here. And for that, you may need to create different sets of strategies based on the job type and candidate type.

A regular performance review is an effective way to let employees know how they are growing. When the employee base is large, regular performance reviews may be a tough task. But don’t worry, hrms software can easily solve this problem. 

It has been seen that a lot of employees leave an organization after some days of joining. This actually causes a lot of damages to the organization. The organization needs to go through all the process again in order to fill the blank position and increase productivity.

If you are facing the same kind of situation, you should do a solid investigation. You should know why they are leaving and where you are failing to satisfy their requirements. After you recognize the reasons, you are going to solve those problems.

Continuous employee turnover does not only affect your productivity but also ruin the reputation of the organization. If you do not take the right measures at the right time, getting quality employees will be tough after a time.

So, in this stage, you need to be aware of both employee development as well as the reputation of your organization.

Employee retaining- maintaining the happiness and comfort of your employees is the key to create a loyal as well as a productive team. They all are human at the end of the day. If they connect emotionally with your organization, there is less chance that they will leave your organization quickly.

In this stage, you should do regular performance reviews to encourage them. You can offer something special to encourage them more. You can offer incentives, awards, offer gifts for being the best performer of the month, and so on. In this way, you will become more sporty and prefer to perform well.

With the performance review, they will also understand the areas where they are lacking and you do not have to spend more words. In some cases, you can arrange training programs so that they can improve themselves and offer the best performance.

In order to make an employee feel appreciated, reward programs or appraisals work best. Employees will remain happy and you will get the best productivity. 

Off-boarding- it is the last stage of employee life cycle management. You know that when a cycle starts, it also ends. And the same goes here also. Employees can leave your organization for new employment, retirement, family leave, or so on. Sometimes, a company needs to terminate an employee due to organization policy violation or poor performance for a longer span of time. You should ensure that just like your onboarding process your off-boarding process is also strategic. 

Along with this, you should also remember that when an employee leaves your organization, it can affect the rest members of the team. Here the HR executive’s job becomes a bit more difficult as he/she needs to ensure that the leave of an employee should not affect the rest of the workforce. 

These are the 5 important stages of employee life cycle management. In other words, we can say that these are 5 key stages when it comes to keeping an organization more organized as well as productive. 

Now at this point, you can understand that HRs go through a tough process on a regular basis. And with the size of the employee base, the task becomes harder. An hrms software can help an organization here at the best level. An hrms software is able to do many tasks such as performance review, tracking each employee’s duty hours, attendance management, leave management, on-time payroll works, and so many other things that an HR needs to do manually. With the help of this kind of software, you not only smoothen and lower the burden of your HR executives but also reduces the need for more HRs in your organization. 

After reading this blog, you too may find having an hrms software will be helpful. So, when you will search for the best software solution for the HR operations, always choose something that is responsive and let you access remotely just like our Vyrazu Labs Enterprise Solution. From contact-less remote attendance to automatic payslip generation and updating employees- this single software can do several services. This is a versatile solution for all the modern enterprises out there. 

So, if you are planning to avail of the software or want to know more, just give us a ring or fill up our quote form and hit the submit button. We will be back to you as soon as possible!


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