Convert Website To Android App

A website is like a digital office that every business should have. But today to do business and reach more customers you have to take your business to every potential customer’s doorstep. Yes, you can do that with the help of your business website and promotional works. But that’s not enough today. According to research, today a major part of total traffic and leads comes from mobile. So, you have to come up with a mobile-friendly way to reach more and more people. That way can be converting your business website into a mobile app. Not only you but also there are lots of online business persons who prefer to convert website to android app in 2020 to grow faster. 

  • Research says 87% users prefer to spend time on the mobile apps in comparison with web
  • In 2020 the mobile apps market is going to hit $188.9 billion revenue
  • 42% of customers prefer to use an app even after a successful purchase
  • The conversion rate is 120% higher in the retail apps in comparison with the typical websites 
  • Mobile apps have become an essential part of modern content marketing according to 83% of B2B marketers

There are lots of benefits that you can get simply after converting your website into an app. Or these benefits can set your business apart from the crowd and let you earn stunning profits. Today, Vyrazu Labs will help you to know how to convert website to android app. But before that, we should explore the benefits that we are going to get after this website to app conversion. So, without more ado, now we are jumping to the exciting benefits that you can get after the website to mobile app conversion.

10 benefits businesses can get after converting a website to an android app

1. Improved user experience-

Better user experience is the ultimate selling point. Today all the online businesses are trying to improve their user experiences so that visitors feel comfortable on their app. Researchers say that mobile apps are able to offer an improved user experience in comparison with typical websites.

A mobile app is able to offer a wide range of functionality where a lot of things are limited on the website.  You do not know that your visitors are using what kind of screen sizes individually. A responsive website is still a choice but with the help of a fully functional mobile app you do not have to set different designs for different screen sizes. Often it has been noticed that owners need to create another version of a website for mobile devices. This kind of task is not only time- consuming but also adds extra expenses. And that’s why experts suggest going for a fully functional mobile app.

With the mobile app, you can offer your visitors an amazing user experience through a pleasing visual appeal. If you plan to convert website to android app, there are lots of native and oversea companies to help you according to your budget.

2. Ease of access-

We know that mobile apps are easy to access. In a mobile app, all you need to do is just login and see the internet of things. But in the case of a website, you need to go to the browser bar, type the URL, you need to also check that you have entered the right URL or not and then you have to wait some seconds to enter and log in. sometimes users forget the exact URL also. This is really a time-consuming task and visitors may not like this way especially when they are busy.

But if they have a mobile app of your business, your business is always on their phones and you can constantly remind them of your business. With a mobile app, your customers are just one click away to make a purchase. So, you can convert website to android app and this kind of problem will vanish automatically. With the help of a mobile app, you can inform your potential customers about the coming sale or product launch and it will definitely boost your sale and branding.

3. More user engagement-

Probably there is no mobile left that does not have any big brand’s app. You know how much big brands love to send you notifications to properly inform you. You too can follow the same way to inform and engage your users. Maybe you have some new deals, new product launch, an upcoming sale, or even some coupon codes, you can inform your users on time with the help of a mobile app. There is no adding expense for promotion as you can inform them directly through a notification.

Today, nearly all businesses are using mobile apps and experiencing better user engagement than ever even without spending a lot of bucks. Along with this, you can take the help of push notifications. Experts say that push notifications help to get an 18% more click-through rate than other traditional ways. One by one we are getting evidence for why should we convert website to android app!

4. More customer loyalty-

Earning customer loyalty is tough especially when there are multiple competitors in the same niche. Loyal customers actually help you to grow and work as a good source of references. A customer can say about your website in a WhatsApp group and from that group, you can get 10 new customers. And that’s why every company out there tries hard to gain customer loyalty. The mobile apps also help at a greater level to have more loyal customers.

After a one-time purchase, you have to communicate with that customer in order to make him/her a loyal customer. And with the help of an app, after sell communication is so easy. In order to get more loyal customers and user engagement, companies offer discount couples, extra offers, and so many other things. All these things you can easily offer your customer with the help of a mobile app (push notification). Mobile apps are all about reminding your customers about your existence 24/7. Slowly we have been understanding that we will get exciting real-time benefits if we convert website to android app.

5. Personalized experience-

Generally, mobile apps are quite different from traditional websites. It has been also noticed that companies sometimes come with new branding styles only on their business apps. And it just gives a different and pleasing user experience.

Users agree that they love mobile apps due to the amazing personalized experience. Here a user can easily keep safe personal information and login details. And sometimes the app itself remembers the login details if the user permits to do so. With the help of mobile apps, now users can easily track their previous interactions and can maximize their experience. All these things aim to increase the interest of the user towards your brand. It does not only helps in branding but also ensures customer satisfaction. 

6. Easy branding-

Expert digital markets say that mobile application is a better branding tool today in comparison with websites. Having a website is good as it is your digital office. But you should also convert website to android app otherwise you will lose a lot of potential customers as well as traffic. In the era of the internet, there is high competition no matter what is your niche. You have to face tough competition. If you are a newborn in the industry, the scenario is tougher than others in the market. Today, all the start-ups are making their own mobile apps so that they can survive and attract more visitors. No matter how small or big your business is you have to do proper branding otherwise people will not recognize you. Today recognition is very much important. 

According to experts, the mobile app is a better branding tool. Here you can easily directly send the brand experience to the engaged customers. Analytics says that the relation rate gets high when you have a fully functional mobile app. But in the case of the website, this relation rate is comparatively low. In fact, market experts are saying that today’s business mobile apps have the ultimate ability to become strong branding platforms. So, this is now a strong reason for which all business owners should convert website to android app in 2020 before the competition gets head-high.

7. Device Feature implementation- 

If you want to use the maximum available device feature and let users have greater experience with you, there is no better way than making a mobile app or converting your business website into an app. Generally, when we use a website using GPS, camera, or other such feature is difficult. And it forces us to find an alternative way. But when it comes to the mobile app, we can easily use GPS, available gyroscope, camera, and such other modern features to get the required solution in the fastest way.

An expert mobile app development company can perfectly convert website to android app so that you and your users can best use the available device features for adding ease. Apart from this, users also prefer to use an accelerometer, fingerprint scanner and so many other things to make the entire process more secure and personalized. These stunning features are available in a mobile app so even a small business can get more profits than a traditional business website.

8. Cost Control-

Without any doubt, the cost is a great concern. If you can lower your expenses in some areas you can use that in other areas for better growth. This is a common scenario in every business out there. The mobile app can be an amazing cost control tool now.

Experts also say that converting a website into a mobile app can properly control your business expenses. Mobiles apps are popular for better customer communication and you will easily get first-hand data from your genuine customers. Os, to get customers’ data you do not have to rely on a third-party or do serial campaigns. You can use a mobile app as well as analytics to check the areas where you need to reduce expenses and where to invest some bucks for better growth.

Along with this, with the help of a mobile app, your business productivity will be increased automatically. You know customers use a mobile app several times a day even if they do not buy a single thing on that day. So, even without investing anything extra, you can get increased productivity. So, if you convert website to android app instead of only using a website, you are going to experience more productivity even without spending anything extra only for productivity.

9. Increased conversation rate-

The conversion rate significantly higher in mobile apps in comparison with the websites. It is also true that the number of mobile application downloads is less than the number of business website visitors. But a mobile app helps your customers to better understand your products and services. And it automatically helps you to get more conversion rates. A mobile app helps the business to target a specific audience at a time and will keep you connected with that audience always.

Mobile applications can also contribute to all the important levels of your business sales funnel. Experts also say that fully functional mobile apps are very effective in enhancing conversion rates and produce profitable results for the business regardless of the industry type. So, you can convert website to android app in 2020 without any doubt and get more leads and sales without enabling extra efforts and investments.

10. Swift operations-

Swift operation is a major thing when it comes to improving user experience. Today a lot of businesses are taking the help of the professionals to convert website to android app so that they can add some pace to the entire process. Mobile apps store data locally on the mobile and do not make the app heavy. But when it comes to a website, the scenario just flips. A mobile app can maintain proper communication and update the process whenever needed without loading anything heavy on the main system. Generally, mobile phones come with some frameworks that let apps easily run on the device. So, there nothing added task for a mobile app.

Experts say that due to this benefit, a mobile app can run up to 1.5X faster than a business website. To when it can rust fast as well as on a smooth note, automatically the user experience will be improved. Mobile apps with swift speed will always be the winners in competition with an e-commerce website.

After the long discussion of the benefits or reasons for converting a website to app, now we should focus on how to convert website into android app. So, let’s continue again

Generally, there are three ways to convert website to android app. The first way of converting a website to app is 1. Progressive web apps, the second way of turning a website to app is 2. Hybrid mobile app development and the third way of turning a website to app is 3. Native app development.

How to convert website into app: Way 1

Progressive Web Apps

When it comes to how to convert website into android app, a lot of professionals suggest going for progressive web apps. This is nothing but another stunning technology created by Google. This technology allows a mobile device to add a website or web application on the device screen and access it easily loke a mobile application.

In order to convert your website to app, here you need to add it to the home screen, create a web application manifest file and a service worker. All these things will help your business website to load faster. It does not only effective in working offline but also allows us to send required push notifications. You should also remember that progressive web apps are only available for the android platform. 


  • Easy and fast push notifications 
  • Apps can work finely even in offline mode
  • Users will get lighter and smooth animations
  • It effectively helps to rank better in search engines 


  • It is not a fully functional mobile app rather it is a browser wrapper. Technically we can call it a website
  • Users will not get a native app experience. Here the UI contains a full-screen browser only without the URL
  • It is not compatible with the iOS platform

How to convert website into app: Way 2

Hybrid Mobile application development 

When it comes to how to convert website into android app, a lot of businesses prefer to follow hybrid mobile app development. Obviously here budget plays a great role. If you are confident enough that your visitors, as well as customers, will come from all the platforms, this way will be the best choice for you. This process helps a mobile app to satisfy the requirements of various operating systems such as android, Ios, Windows, and Blackberry.

In other words, we can say that it is all about a combination of native app and web applications. You can use two popular frameworks in order to convert website to app-

React native

experts say that it can be the best way if you wish to convert website to android app. But for that, your business website should be already developed using React.JS. this one of the trendy ways to convert website to android app now. Through this process, you will get an application that uses native components of the mobile’s operating system such as native buttons inputs and such other devices.

Expert professionals also say that this kind of app can run faster than browser-based websites. And even they also recommend this way as the best way to convert website to android app without breaking your bank. It is a budget-friendly option. Today’s popular apps like Facebook, Bloomberg, Walmart, Instagram, and so on are built with React.JS. 


  • Great development speed 
  • By changing some of the source code, a web app can be converted into react native
  • Great developer community support to solve a problem fast
  • Offers native user experience
  • It is available for both iOS and Android platforms 
  • It is a cost-effective way


  • Comparatively a young technology
  • It is not perfect to convert website to android app in some complex cases 
  • Comparatively low performance


It is a popular SDK for building hybrid mobile applications in 2020. And professionals also prefer it when they need to convert website to android app. In this way, you can build mobile apps by using popular programming languages such as CSS, JavaScript, HTML with reusable codes. It is an expert-recommended Apache Cordova and Angular JS. professionals suggest this pen source SDK when how to convert website into android app is the main concern. Here one will get an amazing set f UI components and functions. 

When it is about how to convert website into android app easily and fast, iconic app development is one of the effective ways out there. Pacifica, JustWatch, Sworkit and so many other popular apps are made by this hybrid model. 


  •  Here documentation is super easy. You will get every information on the official website
  • It works on both iOS and Android platforms
  • It can convert website to android app fast and effectively
  • It is also an independent platform
  • Here you can also the iconic app into a progressive web app or a desktop app


  •  Sometimes we face performance issues as there are high callbacks on native code
  • Lack of security 
  • Not a suitable option to build high-end complex apps
  • Need to use native plugins

How to convert website into app: Way 3

Native App Development

Native app development is going to be our solution number three if you ask us how to convert website into app. This is another experts-recommended way to convert business websites into mobile applications. In this way, you can create apps for various platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows, and Blackberry. After developing the web application, you have to develop mobile clients for each OS. 

Based on the platform, there are unique developers (ready to use) available in the market. 


  • It comes with multiple modules and libraries to fast solve an issue
  • Great performance and improved user experience
  • More customization
  • Comes with more safety and ensures security


  • You need to spend more time to convert website to android app
  • It is an expensive option in comparison with others

If you ask us how to convert website into app in the easiest and fastest way, we can say you go with an online website to app converter. There are a lot of ready to use converters available in the market today. According to your budget and requirement, you can easily choose the best one.

But when business persons ask us how to convert website into app and get solid business benefits, we simply suggest them to work with us. We can instantly solve all the issues that come with your ‘how to convert website into app’ question.

In order to know more about us or to know more about how to convert website into android app, just give us a call and we will be back to you instantly. Or you can fill our contact form to get answers for all your questions regarding how to convert website into android app. We are 24/7 here for our clients!

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