WordPress to JAMstack

Performance is essential. If you know about JAMstack, the migration persuades you to refrain from server-side rendering entirely making use of the pre-build, ethically static HTML pages. On serving JavaScript, APIs, and Markup (JAM) excluding a CDN, the performance of the website increases typically, which helps achieve the best user experience. And this can be possible with WordPress to JAMstack conversion.

If you already have a WordPress website, you might have an idea of page loading slow. The reason may be the server-side processor that arises even before reaching the HTML. You might already be looking to switch for providing a better user experience, you might want to convert WordPress to JAMstack website. It might look difficult, but the reality is different. Converting a WordPress site to JAMstack can be easy if you follow the steps one by one. Let me make this process easy for you below-

We at Vyrazu Labs have created this blog and we will import a pre-existing WordPress content into a JAMstack website, dispatch to Netlify, then execute Lighthouse tests on both the versions to regulate any significant performance gains.      

Starting Migration: WordPress to JAMstack

At first install the Gatsby Blog available int eh Cosmic JS apps Marketplace. 

After installation of the app to a new Bucket, install the WordPress Importer Extension. You can find this by navigation to Your Bucket > Settings > WordPress Importer.

Then follow the directions in the Extension to import your WordPress posts.

When you import your post you will see the Posts Object Type now included the imported WordPress posts, easily done, eh? Let us dispatch the progress we have made.

Dispatch: WordPress to JAMstack 

There are a few options for dispatching our website situated in Bucket > Settings > Deployment. Now we will dispatch to Netlify as they have improved the technique of JAMstack hosting, basically, they coined the term JAMstack now we are taking advantage of that concept. 

After adding the Gatsby Blog GitHub repo to Netlify, we now have to set up the variable for our environment in Netlify to connect to Cosmic JS before dispatching. Now, go to Sites > Settings > Build and Dispatch to add this envirom=nment variable COSMIC_BUCKET along with the value set to your Bucket slug. When you set a read key in your Bucket settings, add the same here as COSMIC_READ_KEY.

Now go to the Deploy tab then Trigger deploy

Contrast: WordPress to JAMstack

As our new JAMstack website has been dispatched, we will have to contrast the performance between the earlier WordPress website and the brand new Cosmic-powered JAMstack site. Open the Chrome console and run the Lighthouse tests on each of the websites. See the results below (however, the design is different, the post count on the page is abruptly the same). 

So, you see now that after running the Lighthouse tests the Cosmic-powered Gatsby JAMstack website stricks out the WordPress site with a colossal increase of performance. Just look at the metamorphosis between pages on the JAMstack version, won’t you say its mindboggling? JAMstack is a favorite option for many techies for many reasons. And this one is of those reasons for loving JAMstack. 

TL;DR: WordPress to JAMstack

  1. Install the Gatsby Blog, a ready-made JAMstack website powered by Gatsby and the Cosmic JS Headless CMS. 
  2. Import the pre-existing WordPress posts into Cosmic JS using the WordPress Importer.
  3. Dispatch the Cosmic-powered website to Netlify.


I hope this blog on how to build a typically fast web experience by migrating from WordPress to a Cosmic JS-powred JAMstack website. Do it yourself right now to see how easily you can convert WordPress to JAMstack. The users of your site will be delighted with this change. Not only us but also today a lot of site owners prefer to convert WordPress to JAMstack to ensure that they can provide the best user experience. 

If you have any more queries regarding the process of convert WordPress to JAMstack do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our technical team will help you to understand the required steps of the entire process of convert WordPress to JAMstack so that you can find more growth potentials.

Please leave a comment or feedback if you have any critical acclamation. If you are looking for professional help to convert WordPress to JAMstack then contact us with the same query. We being a leading software company we will solve any problem that you have regarding shifting data and other such issues.  We are more than happy to help you.

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