roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst

A question like this is not unusual. You might have started planning and research your software development project while then mention of a business analyst confuses you. Like, what is so exclusive about a business analyst that without them a project might end up in a mess?
We at Vyrazu Labs have created documentation that will help you understand the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst. As even we are a software development company we understand the importance of this issue and this article will spread light on the dark areas of your confusion. 

The Business Analyst  

These white-collars are responsible for estimating the business requirements for validating the work that will be under construction. A business analyst will construct the shape of the business how it will be carried forward and determine the areas of work. He who decides which technology will be used or what are the alternatives that can be utilized. 

The business analyst and the system analyst often work together and serve as a connection between the business setbacks and technical solutions. By involving greatly in the project the business analyst and the system grow together in order to transform according to the business needs, evaluate the necessary grounds and come up with solutions towards any hurdles. 

The basic roles and responsibilities of business analyst

Roles and responsibilities of business analyst: Establishing the role

The initiation of the project involves the business analyst to manifest the pre-existing problems and foresee the solutions. This initiates the basic decision about whether the project should or should not be funded, depending on the business overview. 

Roles and responsibilities of business analyst: Gathering Information  

In this stage …continued from the previous establishment we can say that for determining the funding he will have to be well informed about the project and its essentials. The business analyst will communicate with the clients for drawing information based on the project this will help them take the necessary decisions for the sole aim of improvement.


Roles and responsibilities of business analyst: Handling vital information

After gathering the necessary details on the project the Business Analyst will be responsible for understanding the terminologies and principles as orated by the clients for the new business turf. The business requirements can only be estimated providing alternatives while justifying the endorsed approach for constructing the business structure.


Roles and responsibilities of business analyst: Business Analysis

Now, that the business analyst has gathered the information, understood the necessary measures, now his analytic work begins. Analyzing the business needs by making use of the information gathered to clinching that the developers working on that project understand the business requirements.

The clients of the company are addressed by the business analyst covering the requirements of the projects, which are its concerned areas which will have to be sorted, and the contribution of the developers which will be exponentially added to the requirement specifications document. Which will be generated to both the participants, developers and the company that hires them.


Roles and responsibilities of business analyst: Preparation before execution

After the above-mentioned roles are taken care of the sanction of the project will require defining complex project requirements scoping out for the management procedure after deciding if the project at all will see the mornings light. The inception of the project will associate the clients to approve the requirement specifications document before the development initiates. 

Roles and responsibilities of business analyst: The beginning of something new

The document for the specific requirements is handed over to the developers for starting the building process. Even though it seems the business analyst’s job has been settled with the developers started to work on the development, the business analyst will be called upon anytime he is needed even after the project has ended.

The business analyst is called whenever the developer is confused and needs clarification. The negotiation over conflicting ideas with the clients after managed by the business analyst, as well. His job will include holding meetings for solving conflicts, recognizing the immediate risks and managing the technology-related limitations.

In-depth understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the business analyst

Form the paragraphs above we understand that a business analyst is a dude who will be the spokesperson throughout the project on behalf of the developers. The developers might not be able to clarify the areas of confusion or technical restraints they are having to go through. In this portion, we are going to get in-depth roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst.

While the project manager is just working as a mere link the business analyst will represent the issue in such a way that will enhance business values to the changes that might or might not be made. Even after the project end s/he is the concerned person who will solve the issues you face and the necessary updates or changes that can be made.  

After the project initiates and the clients have approved the project there are responsibilities regarding the upcoming issues or questions that are generated in the development hour. The developers and designers are just responsible for the creation of the product whereas the other issues such as time extension, insertion issues, and other such influences are taken care of by the business analyst. 

This article initially shared what the business analyst actually does i.e. roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst, like understanding the requirements of the business then circulating the information to the developers so that they understand what is needed and what should be omitted, right from using a platform of development to the completion date is suggested by the business analyst. The possible reach of the project is checked by the business analyst so that every minute detail can be discussed and shared.  

The business analyst elaborates on the project essentials to both the players the client and the developers. He arranges it like-wise. Suppose he is preparing the paperwork for the engineers he carefully includes the scope of the project and the desired outcome that should be the end product. While discussing it with the client it will be something that will satisfy the client’s curious business mind and what benefits will come out of it. 

Coming down to pointwise documentation representing the work of a business analyst as and when the project begins until it is deployed.

Aid for project implementation: roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst

Implementation: The business analyst is not directly involved in the implementation of the project as the developers and designers take that responsibility on their shoulders. There are other areas that the engineers are unable to explore like when a problem initiates from nowhere. The business analyst takes these problems and discusses with the client in order to add something new or organize a meeting for solving that particular problem.

Suppose a designer is working on the design and the developer is busy coding in the meanwhile either of them can be tied with technical restrains which immediately needs a solution. It might be something that needs to be altered suppose a design issue arises in WordPress which can not be overlooked or altered just because the engineer wants to make that change. It has to be run through with authorities via the business analyst who provides a measure that can be implemented. 

Aid: The stages of implementation are extended on the business analyst as and when the engineers get the set of instructions they get busy doing what they are best at.

While the business analyst is involved with supporting the business by explaining the clients about the moderations which they should accept as that might be the only solution that will take the project in a direction of progress as well as let the engineers work without hassle.

This job is all about the utilization of solutions initiated from the discussion/meeting for completing the task. This also calls for user documentation for testing the acceptance of the product or just a trial product to see how the market responds. 

The business analyst is actively involved in this process which is somewhere in between development and deployment. This process only ends when the product is deployed and the clients can completely utilize it in their business. This process involves implementation of the solutions provided, adding or eliminating requirements, and with these different needs are discovered making space for a new project for the business analyst from where the cycle begins again.  

Documentation of the project: roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst

As you already know that the business analyst is responsible for documenting the specific requirements. He is also responsible for documenting each and everything so that it can be delivered to the client and developers alike. These documents are later used for professional success.

Depending on this documentation the important decisions are taken. A decision can be taken by using useful methods like a decision matrix or a simple quest for finding the 5 whys. These techniques will help the business analyst take decisions that are best suited for that particular project.     

Team setup: roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst

The business analyst is responsible for setting up the team looking down on the requirements. After assembling the team appropriate for the task they will be given the guidelines and the proper framework of the structure. The team then works consulting the business analyst as the project grows.

Technical requirements: roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst

It is the duty of the business analyst to see the success of the product. The business analyst determines what the project should do which is called functional requirement and how the project should work which is known as the non-functional requirement.

In the initial stages, the functional requirements of a business analyst are called upon while after the product is complete and has reached its owner the non-functional requires are nurtured. When the product is ready and has started taking the market the business analyst taken it upon him to keep checks and balances on the areas it can be changed or updated.

Testing user acceptance: roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst

In order to meet the job requirements, a business analyst will have to make sure that the product is has a proper design and it functions accordingly. For checking that measure nothing better than testing user acceptance will work. The work begins with the functioning of development conducting user-tests via testing approaches.

This is done only with an assertion in mind that it completely (i.e. 100%) matches the clientele guidelines and framework provided this will involve meetings which will be an assurance of the product running as the client had expected. Success can be attained only if the results show the same. 

System maintenance and Potency: roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst

In this stage, the business analyst is occupied with enabling changes, proper enhancements of relating to the project, and maintenance of the product or system for better business values. The business analyst is the one who will give maintenance reports to the clients gathering the necessary information from the developers, s/he also provides reports on the validation of the system and works on the deactivation of plans if required.

He also carries out similar tasks like these and prepares reports on the same. The plan can only be deactivated or altered if the business analyst feels fit to make those necessary changes or the deactivation necessary.

With these points, it will be very clear to you what the business analyst actually does. He is responsible for pretty much everything that an engineer cannot handle or is willing to stay out of. A business analyst is a person who will be guiding you throughout the project making sure nothing goes wrong, or even if something goes wrong it is solved in the course of time. 

Concluding to 

If you are setting up a business do it in such a manner that no scope of error can be addressed after the completion of the project. As your project is your brainchild and you will do anything to protect it from being harmed. Hence a business analyst can do this for you.

He will ensure that you don’t face any problem regarding the system or further maintenance which will help the business grow. It might be hard to believe it right now but a business analyst will come as a mashiha when you are consumed with stress regarding the business. With analyst comes ERP development here’s how you custom ERP development.  

I hope this article on the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst was useful and you benefited from it. You can outsource your business needs with us as we are located in Kolkata the cost list will be far more convenient compared to the western countries. Well, we are also a leading software development company working with design, business management, etc. Feel free to ask us any questions related to this topic or software development needs. I will appreciate if you leave a comment or feedback, let’s start a conversation, maybe?

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