20 ways to use twitter for marketing

With hundreds of millions of users, and over 500 million Tweets daily, Twitter has rapidly become popular as one of the top social media platforms of all. People flock to the website to connect with people, share pictures, quotes, videos, and basically everything that catches their attention.

Today we are going to share the 20 ways to use twitter for marketing so that you all can do it better for your business!

Along with the Hashtag feature, Twitter has become one of the largest platforms where the latest news and other happenings in the world go viral, commonly called “Trending”.

With hundreds of millions of users, and over 500 million Tweets daily, Twitter has rapidly become popular as one of the top social media platforms of all. People flock to the website to connect with people, share pictures, quotes, videos, and basically everything that catches their attention.

Along with the Hashtag feature, Twitter has become one of the largest platforms where the latest news and other happenings in the world go viral, commonly called “Trending”.

But did you know that Twitter, apart from fun and social interaction, you can also use Twitter for your marketing campaign? We’ll show you how to do twitter marketing!

1. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Have an excellent Twitter bio

You need to make sure that your company’s identity and what it stands for are well branded. This is the first step of starting twitter marketing. This means that you need to have a bio that describes who you are and has a link to your company’s website or a specialized landing page. It should be informative, showcasing your skills and expertise, as well as give the viewers an introductory idea of what your company is about to use Twitter for your marketing campaign.

2. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Interact with the experts and most influential users regularly

You can easily use Twitter to search for like-minded business people, clients, and experts using keywords relevant to your industry. Once you’ve found them, you should make a list of the topmost influential people among them, ranked accordingly, and then follow and interact with them regularly. Journalists, potential customers, popular bloggers, potential partners, etc. should be interacted with daily, in a casual and helpful manner, instead of being promotional when it comes to twitter marketing. This will help you build a relationship with them and eventually, might provide excellent opportunities to collaborate with them as well.

3. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Get people you know to interact

As with social media, the easiest way to gain popularity is to ask friends and family to follow your page, and regularly tweet, retweet, and talk about it. And since it’s people you know, they would automatically be eager to help you with your endeavor by regularly promoting and publicizing you as much as they can to use twitter marketing. You should get your employees to follow it as well, as the more the number of followers, the more they can popularize it.

4. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Tweet regularly, without fail

Regular Tweets will make your profile look like an active, responsive profile that people can get to know more and more new things from, every day. If instead, you just Tweet once a week, or twice in a week and then forget to do so for the next week, people will forget about you, or become disinterested and you won’t be able to use Twitter for your marketing campaign. You need to keep yourself relevant, and on people’s minds as much as possible to get proper twitter marketing benefits. So you need to make sure that you set up a schedule, and post daily, and the content is relevant, interesting, and engaging to your followers.

5. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Ask followers for help

There is no shame in asking your followers to retweet or tweet the things you share. This will help you reach even more people all over the world since the entire social media is interconnected. When they share or retweet things from your page, their own followers get to see them as well, and so on. This is an extremely useful way of getting more and more popular when it comes to successful Twitter marketing.

6. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Track your presence

You should definitely try to keep up with who’s talking about you, when, where, and what’s being said about you. By knowing about who tweeted or retweeted your posts, and what they wrote, you can find out what appeals to your followers, and keep improving the content you share to cater more and more to their preferences. Additionally, responding to them, as a comment, or a personal message, also endears you personally to your followers for you to effectively use twitter marketing.

7. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Follow trending hashtags

You should always keep up with the latest trending news or hashtags which go viral, as these can be some of the best ways to garner even more popularity when you focus on twitter marketing. Since these are at that moment the most popular topics that everyone is talking about, tweeting on these topics at that time lets your Tweet be retweeted or shared by millions of people who are aware of the news.

8. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Offer discounts and special deals

You can run Twitter contests like “The next 100 people to retweet me will get 50% off coupons” to gain a huge amount of popularity, as in most cases, even if you’re known to just a few people, eventually, through their Tweets and retweets, a lot more than 100 retweets of your posts will have happened. And the discounts and coupons have the ability to rake in even more potential followers and doing proper twitter marketing.

9. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Use images and videos

Videos and images get a lot more likes, retweets, and favorites from viewers, compared to plain, textual posts. People are always looking for something interesting and interactive, so making a post with a short video in it, or a number of attractive photos are definitely going to get it noticed a lot more than just a regular Tweet and helpful for twitter marketing. And if you happen to be able to make your own videos, it’s even better, since those can be used to make people aware of your brand, as well as get more views!

10. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Use Promoted Tweets

Using promoted Tweets is a must, as it helps target more specific customers and defines exactly who you’re trying to reach. However, you should make sure they run for a fixed, limited period of time, and that they’re not spammy, or annoying, by providing actual information that people will be interested to read, rather than clickbait them with catchy images and headings to use Twitter for your marketing campaign. So, when it comes to how to use twitter for business marketing, don’t skip this fact to include in your marketing strategy.

11. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Integrate Twitter with your other platforms

In order to have a seamless setup that encourages people to know more about you, your Twitter account needs to work in collaboration with your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. You need to let your EMail subscribers and Facebook followers know about any offers, contests, or updates you post on Twitter as well! This is another super effective way you can actually use especially when you are concerned about how to use twitter for business marketing. 

12. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Utilize Twitter Analytics

You should use Twitter’s native analytics feature daily, to find out what is grabbing more attention of your followers, and what’s not that popular with them. Using the analytics dashboard, you can quickly find out which days were your best, the kind of content which is more popular with your followers, and the demographics of the followers that you’re attracting. This will help you replicate the things that are working well for you, and analyze the things which aren’t to make them better! This will help you when you use Twitter for your marketing campaign.

13. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Concentrate on followers’ needs and interests

 people or followers appreciate when a brand solves their pain point. Followers also respond when a tweet inspires as well as entertains them. So, when it comes to creating a Twitter content strategy or how to use twitter for business marketing successfully, you should not skip this fact. Your content plan should have both of these mentioned concepts. It will help your brand to stay on the brain of the followers even when they are not online or not active on Twitter.

14. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Give a ‘like’

 just like Facebook, now you can like a tweet too. You can use that heart-like option in order to make your users feel special. When a user will compliment your business, services, products, and anyone who tweets or retweets your content in a positive way. In this way, you can create a sense that you care for your users. When users understand that a brand is careful, it will be easy for you to earn the trust of your potential customers. 

15. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Include twitter cards

 we have already said that images and videos get more reach, engagement, likes, and retweets. Twitter cards generally help a user to perfectly attach rich photos and videos. And all these help you drive more traffic to your business website. Just by adding some URL codes to the site, you can let your followers or users who tweet links will get a card added to it. And it will be visible to all their followers. Isn’t it something exciting to reach more people? 

16. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Create twitter chats

Twitter chat is nothing but a scheduled hashtag discussion on a specific topic. If you host a chat, there your customers or users can ask questions about your products or how their pain points can be erased by your products or services. Or you can simply discuss a topic of interest. When you are concerned about how to use twitter for business marketing in new ways, consider this way too!

17. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Do direct communication

 When it comes to how to use twitter for business marketing, we will suggest you to take the help of direct messages. In this way, you can directly communicate with a lot of users yet privately. This will create a sense that you care for your users and are aware of each one’s needs and trying to satisfy them. 

18. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Do advertise on twitter

you may be aware about this option. Twitter has two advertising options and those easily support small business budgets. Those options are promoted accounts and promoted tweets. In these ways, you can appear in front of a lot of new people on a regular basis.

19. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Make twitter lists

There are various categories of users in the twitter world. You can create lists or take the help of others’ lists in order to understand what a specific category is interested in or how to be their topic in their way. 

20. 20 ways to use twitter for marketing: Create a content plan

For successful twitter marketing, you need to create a perfect content plan. It will be better if you create a content calendar and schedule tweets. In this way, you can maintain the regularity, save time, and engage users automatically. 

These are 20 powerful ways you can use now for successful twitter marketing and gaining competitive advantages.

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