All-round healthcare mobile application development service
All-round healthcare mobile application development service
All-round healthcare mobile application development service
All-round healthcare mobile application development service
All-round healthcare mobile application development service
All-round healthcare mobile application development service

All-round healthcare mobile application development service

We can design and develop a truly flexible as well as robust healthcare app solution that will connect patients with the best professionals. We can commit serious contributions to the digital healthcare ecosystem. We enable 100% custom app solutions with multi-language and multi-currency support so that more and more people in need can get the best medical help. We blend innovation, automation, and best technologies at the perfect ratio and prepare something that can improve the overall healthcare system and processes.

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Healthcare software application: Admin panel

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Healthcare app development

Healthcare apps are simply improving the overall healthcare processes and systems. Enabling the best health diagnosis and treatment has become easier than anything with the help of these app solutions. Now healthcare professionals can attend to more people in less time and save lots of life. Such a regime is simply improving the overall lifestyle of common people. Healthcare app solutions ensure efficiency in each segment of the entire system.

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What are healthcare app solutions?

The primary aim of healthcare app solutions is making common people aware of taking preventive healthcare measures, treatment, and tracking the progress of health with the help of certified experts. It is all about improving the overall healthcare scenario of a country or a specific territory.

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How can you develop a healthcare app?

Making a healthcare app is easy if you let the best app development company do it for yourself. All you need to do is select the functionalities, decide the platform and devices, and finalize the UI/UX hand in hand with a next-gen app development company like us. A healthcare app development journey can be extremely easy if you be successful to choose the right app development partner for you.

Patient app 01
Patient app

A patient can start his/her journey on this platform by creating a profile. In order to create a profile, the patient has to share some details. After that, he/she can search for available doctors using many filters and select a doctor and fix an appointment. Fixing a doctor’s appointment and getting the right suggestions will be effortless with such a digital platform. Getting the best healthcare helps is now a matter of some clicks.

Doctor app 01
Doctor app

On this advanced platform, doctors will be able to create elaborate accounts with all the required details so that patients can easily find them and connect with them. Video or audio calls will be there so that they can easily connect with patients and properly diagnose and treat patients. They will get all the best features in order to easily manage lots of appointments with patients and offer the best healthcare help.

Admin panel 01
Admin panel

We prefer to equip all our app solutions with a robust admin panel so that monitoring and controlling the entire platform becomes easy. By logging in to the system, the admin will be able to manage both patient and doctor versions of the app. All records of the app will be stored in an encrypted format so that all patients and other important information remain properly secure. Maintaining proper privacy of healthcare information of each individual is mandatory according to the HIPAA law.

Advanced healthcare mobile app to connect customers and healthcare services seamlessly

We have prior experience in designing and developing on-demand healthcare mobile app solutions and that’s why we know how to equip an app with the best solutions and make it shine in the crowd.

On-demand healthcare mobile app: Graphical flow

Patient flow
Patient flow

We prefer to design and develop healthcare app solutions with the best feature set. From selecting the best mode of treatment to enabling healthcare services in some clicks- everything is possible with our advanced on-demand healthcare mobile app.

Preferred mode of treatment
Preferred mode of treatment

Via the healthcare mobile app, patients or users will be able to easily book a mode of treatment such as a doctor at home, visit a doctor, tele appointment with the doctor, and so many modes are there. According to the requirements, users will be able to easily choose their preferred mode of treatment. This is an advanced process to bring healthcare facilities to their fingertips.

Choose a Professional
Choose a professional

The user or the patient can easily schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional via this app platform. Based on the present requirements, a user will be able to easily choose and book a professional. On the app, the user will get several available professionals in order to satisfy his/her requirements.

Schedule Consultation
Schedule consultation

Our healthcare app lets users easily fix a consultation with a professional. There is no need to roam here and there. By login into the app, a user can easily schedule a consultation with a certified professional. A user does not need to physically commute for long in order to have an appointment with the preferred doctor or other healthcare professional.

Include Dependents
Include dependents

If the user has elderly people in the family and they are not able to schedule doctor appointments on their own, the user can easily add dependents into the app and do the needful without facing any kind of interruption. In order to enable the required healthcare services for the dependents, users will not face any problems. Just in few clicks, having a doctor appointment to enabling other healthcare services will be possible.

Unique and satisfactory healthcare experience of users via the mobile app

While designing and developing the healthcare mobile application, we enable lots of important features and filters so that users can easily choose a suitable facility for them according to their requirements.

Provide details
Provide details

While booking a doctor’s appointment, it is important to provide all details so that the entire process can be fastened and the doctor gets a better understanding of the user’s scenario. The user can select the symptoms from the list and save it so that the doctor can get a quick view of all symptoms and diagnose the patient best and suggest the best treatment.

Details Of Symptoms
Details of symptoms

If the user feels that he/she needs to elaborate his/her symptoms, he/she can easily do that on the healthcare mobile app. he/she can easily provide all necessary information and can upload images too in order to make the doctor better understand the entire scenario of him/her.

Choose a Professional
Select a professional

If a user finds a specific professional is best for his/her healthcare and treatment, he/she can easily book an appointment with that professional via the healthcare mobile app platform. While searching for an available professional, the user will be able to apply filters and easily select the preferred professional for the next appointment.

List of relevant doctor profiles 1
List of relevant doctor profiles

Based on the symptoms and keywords that the user has put into the search bar, a long list of doctors will be displayed. The user will be able to check the details of each doctor and easily choose the best one.

Detailed doctor profile
Detailed doctor profile

In order to easily decide the best healthcare professional for the user or any dependent, the user will be able to see the detailed profile of a doctor. In the detailed profile, the user will be able to see a lot of things such as reviews, ratings, fees, certifications, specialization, experience, and so many other details. All these details are important to choose the best doctor or other healthcare professionals.

Confirm Appointment
Confirm appointment

In order to schedule an appointment with a doctor, checking the available time of that doctor is important. The user will be able to see the available as well as booked time slots of the doctor and easily book a slot. It will appear as a calendar i.e. the user can see available slots of the coming days and easily schedule an appointment.

View Prescription
View prescription

The user can easily view as well as print the prescription provided by the doctor based on the requirements. The prescription will help the platform to raise an invoice. If the user wants, he/she can save the prescription on the app platform and use it whenever requires. It will also help the user to maintain a proper record of the prescriptions and offered treatment to the patient.

Favorite doctor
Favorite doctor

After taking healthcare suggestions treatment from various doctors, users may their favorite doctor. In such a situation, the user will be able to list down a doctor’s profile in his/her favorite list. In this way, the user will be able to easily access that profile and schedule an appointment when he/she is in hurry.

Payment and doctor app

We prefer to develop custom healthcare mobile app solutions with the best features so that easily satisfy all the unique requirements of all users. While developing such an app, we ensure all users can easily track, communicate, and share important information. 

Various payment modes
Various payment modes

In order to increase the user base and to offer the required ease to all users. Enabling multiple payment modes is important and we can do the same. Users can easily choose a popular payment mode and make payments in a completely secure environment. The user can make payment mode default so that he/she can make payments instantly without facing any kind of delay.

Chat with doctors
Chat with doctors

A user can chat with doctors and share the entire scenario and get the best suggestion in the same place. In order to make the chat system better and to make it more interactive, users and doctors can easily send media files such as images, documents (test reports), scans, prescriptions, videos, and audio. Video and audio can help doctors to guide users in the best way.

Video Call Facility
Video call facility

If the user or the doctor finds video call is important, via the app both users can easily initiate a video call and discuss the needful. Telemedicine consultation has become popular due to its easy and effective nature. The entire video call can be recorded as it is important according to the law. The doctor or the user can easily view the recorded call whenever they find it’s important to view the video conversation. The recording will be encrypted and safe. No health information will be leaked via this platform.

Live track the doctor
Live track the doctor

Users can easily track the entire procedure of consultation via the app. Users generally have a lot of questions when they go through such a phase. In order to know better the entire process, such a feature is really important. Apart from this, the user can easily track the live location of the doctor in order to how far the doctor is from the home (it is applicable if the user has selected the home visit option).

Data Of All Visits
Data of all visits

Maintaining all healthcare data with the best security is important for each healthcare user. On this healthcare app platform, each user will be able to store past and present data regarding consultation and invoice. All data will be super secure and only the user and associated healthcare professionals will be accessing the data.

Rating and review
Rating and receipt

Knowing user experience is extremely important in knowing the overall performance of the platform. And that’s why each user will get a chance to share their experience with the platform and healthcare service via ratings and reviews. The admin or owner of the app can analyze these reviews in order to improve the overall user experience.

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Advanced healthcare app development software: Admin panel

Healthcare provider management

The admin will be able to easily manage lots of on-demand healthcare providers under a single roof. There is no need to going through various complicated steps in order to manage all providers properly. The admin can easily make informed decisions when it comes to accept or reject the registration request from a healthcare professional.

Commission Setup 01
Fare set up

The admin can easily set up the charges for various on-demand healthcare services according to the cities, hours, and service type. By considering all these things, the admin will be able to set a charge for each service and make all charges visible to all users.

data storage
Promotion and referrals

Referrals and promotions are two important features that bring tremendous benefit to the platform. And that’s why these have become common yet important features in nearly every app in the modern world. The admin will get referrals and promotion features in order to generate promotion codes and distribute them instantly. The admin can also generate various loyalty or referrals programs via the admin panel and encourage the users to take the needful actions.

Track Booking 01
Track bookings

Each user who has booked service is getting the service properly or not- the admin will be able to check the status of each booking. While tracking if the admin finds any issue, he/she can instantly make an informed decision and can easily solve the issue.

Accounting 01

There is no need to install a separate accounting software or perform the task manually, the app comes with the best accounting feature for the admin, in this way, the admin can easily manage the total earnings of all healthcare professionals registered on the platform. In this way, the entire procedure will be hassle-free and completely transparent.


While designing and developing the admin panel for the healthcare mobile app, we integrate the best payroll management system. In this way, the admin can easily keep track of the cash and card earnings of the registered healthcare professionals on this platform. The earned amount can be easily transferred to the bank accounts of the registered professionals without any delay or interruption.

Manage services

Service management is important especially when the system is filled with various types of important healthcare services. The admin will be able to manage all listed healthcare services under a single roof. If any service is facing an issue, the admin can easily find that and solve it as soon as possible.

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360-degree view of the entire platform

The admin will get a 360-degree view of the entire system. Having such a view is important in order to ensure that the entire platform is performing well and users are not facing any kind of issues. Based on the maps, the admin will see all bookings and their present statuses.

Zone management 01
Zone management

When it comes to offering the best healthcare services to more users from various zones, zone management becomes an absolutely mandatory task. With the zone management feature, the admin will be able to create various zones and set healthcare service charges based on the zones. Managing different zones and different charges is easy and free from any kind of confusion with the robust healthcare service app.

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We prefer to integrate push messages to the healthcare mobile app solutions. The admin can easily create several push messages without facing any hardship and distribute them to all users and easily increase the user engagement on the app. The push message is a great way to bring back users again and again on the app platform. The admin can send push messages to all types of users and keep them rightly informed.

Car Rental Insurance
Reports and reviews

In order to maintain the quality of the platform and to ensure the best services to the users, reports and reviews features are truly important. The admin can easily enable these features and encourage every user to share their experience with the platform. By analyzing reports and reviews, the admin will be able to improve services and other areas of the platform. If any user is not satisfied or has any complaint, he/she can share that via the report option.

Commission setup

The admin will be able to set different app commission rates for different zones, hours, healthcare service types, fares, and so many other different things. The commissions can be changed from time to time based on the requirements.

Let’s talk about your dream project?

How can we make your healthcare mobile app special?

Inspired by the leading healthcare mobile apps and prior experience in crafting top-notch healthcare app solutions, we can do the wonder for you. Serving and satisfying an ever-growing user base will no longer be a challenge for you if you let us equip you with the best mobile healthcare solution.

web plugin
100% custom solution

Every mobile healthcare app should be completely customizable so that users can enjoy the unique benefits. If a solution is not unique as well as customizable, the business cannot grow faster or pave a separate position in the crowded marketplace. And that’s why we prefer to make solutions properly customizable. In this way, businesses will be able to satisfy their unique requirements.

Commission Setup 01
PCI compliant

Running a healthcare platform is a challenging task. The admin or the owner needs to perform a lot of tasks. In such a situation, the platform should not face any legal hassles. In order to make the healthcare app completely safe and secure from legal hassles, we make the app properly PCI compliant. The healthcare platform will run and grow seamlessly and there will be no legal hassle in the process.

Prebuilt scripts

In order to fasten the healthcare mobile app development to deployment sometimes, we enable the best prebuilt scripts. If the clients want we can activate the prebuilt scripts and fasten the entire procedure. In this way, the app owner will get more time to market the app. The process is quite effective as well as error-free.

Scalable and clean design

Every solution should be purely scalable. With time, the requirement for a healthcare platform will increase. These growing requirements should be fulfilled otherwise ensuring the success of the platform will be a hard thing. We make all app solutions properly scalable so that meeting the new demands on a regular basis becomes easy. Apart from this, we keep the design clean so that integrating a new feature or functionality can be effortless. According to the market and demand, any new requirement can take place at any time and a scalable solution can easily satisfy that.

Translation 1
Multi-language and multi-currency support

In order to have an increased userbase, it is important to make the app solution multi-language supported. When people from various languages and cultures can join the platform and take services, automatically the userbase will be increased. When various people from various languages will join the platform they will automatically require different currency support to pay the charges. Along with multi-language support, we prefer to enable multi-currency support in our app solutions.

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Referrals, promotions, and loyalty programs

In-app marketing features are important in order to boost the growth and userbase of a healthcare mobile app solution. We design and integrate referrals, promotions, and loyalty program features for the admin. In this way, the admin can generate promotion codes and referrals and encourage app users to do the needful. The admin can also design various loyal programs and encourage all users to become more engaged with the platform.

SEO-friendly design

Every app should be rightly SEO-friendly otherwise being a competent healthcare mobile app solution will not be possible. In order to ensure all the best and competitive advantages, we make all our software app solutions truly SEO-friendly. In this way, we can ensure that on-demand healthcare solutions crafted by us will appear at the top of both SERP and app store results.

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App monitoring and chatbots

A regular and standard app monitoring regime is now a mandatory thing in order to ensure the success and constant growth of the mobile healthcare app solution. We integrate standard app monitoring chatbots so that keeping a close eye on each factor of the app becomes possible. The admin will always be informed that the app is performing well or not. A detailed app performance view will be there so that the admin or the owner can make effective decisions in order to keep the healthcare platform best functional in all ways.


When we design and develop a modern healthcare app solution for our client, we make the app 100% secure. We activate all the best security measures in order to keep the platform purely safe for all users. We follow HIPAA also in order to ensure the privacy of all app users especially healthcare service takers. Apart from this, in order to make app data and transactions super secure we enable SSL, keychain, JWT, reverse proxy setup and so many other things. Before handing over the app, we conduct various security checks to keep every factor of the app flawless.

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